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    So is Creep

    That’s only true if there are 3 or 4 ways to cook something.  I wish all these articles would stop saying air fry something when they simply mean bake.  Air fryers are bullshit and you’d be better off without one rather than trying to invent a new use for a tool that doesn’t even do its primary job well.

    So he’s on desk duty for profiling or because he didn’t kill his quota? Shit is fucked up.

    The one down-side of the mask is that TSA can’t see the sour puss or bottled-rage on his face which would be their cue to deny his ass.

    Perfect.  I’d love more of them to say “When purchasing your ticket, you agreed to bide by the policy so do what you promised or gtfo”.

    Thank you for this. I don’t think you can get from zero to asshole-level drunk in 2 hours, unless you already started out as a pretty big asshole.

    And then you reply, Ok, but you’re not even close.

    My response would have been, “Lowers your house value? You mean you’re selling (acting very excited)?!?

    Human beings are capable of focusing on more than one thing at a time.  Sorry you’re not one of us.

    Ever since they switched the cooking technique on the Quarter pounders, they’re not as good.  This was late 80's so yeah, I’m old.

    Do more fact checking. Steak and bagels have been off of many McDonald’s menus for years now. It’s a very localized offering. Same with the Daily Double. Just because it’s on your app doesn’t make it universally available. It’s totally a function of the store you select and again, not available anywhere within 100

    No kidding.  I was amazed on a trip to Shanghai that they use zero cash and it all works fine.

    I don’t know about Disneyland but I used Apple Pay everywhere in Disney World in July.

    Gotta love all of the replies that are basically, “I’m white and don’t see anything wrong here.”

    I’ve been thinking for a while now that they brought Chapek in to shake things up, do some unpopular things, and then give him a nice severance when that’s done and hand the reigns over to Josh once they’re through the worst of the crap.

    I’m not so sure of that.  There’s no way in hell they would have done this with Black Widow or Jungle Cruise so why Shang-Chi?  It’s almost as if they expect less of it so what the heck, let’s play with the model.

    Yes, it’s all very shocking since the middle east usually is so much more easy to manage and we’ve shown great expertise in regime change and control. /s

    They don’t even “fry” very well so why are we looking for other tasks for them?

    Somewhat agree but I’d just say everyone is shitty and stupid in this case.

    They likely get aggressive and punchy in lots of situations.  Alcohol may speed up the process but it’s who they are.