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    Sounds about white.

    An even better option, if you can do it, is Nexus. It’s $50 total for 5 years and gives you Pre-Check, Global Entry and Nexus all in one. Down-side is that I believe Nexus is only available to states on the US-Canada border.

    To be clear though, it’s certainly huge money to him and more than he’ll ever see.

    You do realize if the “star” can make such a huge sum, it’s because her much richer employers can easily afford to pay it. I have no issue with the talent getting their cut.

    I don’t get your rationale. It sounds like this subject came up a long time ago and Disney chose to kick the can down the road and do nothing. If ScarJo has a contract, and they violated it, she’s well within her rights to sue. And if this is the future of movies, Disney would be wise to adjust their practices

    Deadgirl, Requiem for a Dream, The Dark Backward, Funny Games, The Girl with All the Gifts, Oldboy

    Another guy and I did this same move 35 years ago in our college parking lot.  Although I had a Chevy Monte Carlo and he had a Dodge Diplomat so no marks were found and we went on our way.

    Klan has a ring to it.

    If your “friends” are a bunch of people you never met complimenting you online and you’ve grown addicted to needing that, then maybe that’s the real issue.

    Dude, it’s not ok to do that shit to your own kid.  That you think it’s the appropriate reaction to any kid is fucked up.

    Apparently you’re new to videos these days.  Many are cooked up premises that aren’t real.

    Just seeing these guys gives me a fond memory of those commercials and also throw up in my mouth a little remembering the taste of those things.

    Trained professional” is quite the reach for many of them though.

    Yup, but as long as the bosses of cops are other cops that preceded them, shit ain’t gonna change.  You’re talking about whole scale change and that will be near impossible with the current hierarchy and unions.

    Disagree.  How many times have you interacted with an officer in your life?  How many of those times did they need a gun?

    Agree.  I do support guns being harder to get.  It’s just not the problem or solution here.

    Not all, just the majority.

    No, dipshit, that is not the problem or the solution. That will not change cop behavior one iota.  Prove me wrong and show me the rational argument that justifies shooting someone with a fucking jug.

    Ahh, got it, you don’t need it, so therefore nobody needs it.  Thanks for the help. /s

    The olympics was originally supposed to be about elite athletes competing with each other.  That it became the hyper-nationalist crap that it has is not a good thing.