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    It’s amazing that these are the same people that overuse the term snowflake and such phrases as “fuck your feelings”.  They are the biggest cry-babies on the planet.

    What’s the downside for him?  Damage to his patrol car - fixed on the taxpayers dime.  Lawsuit - paid for by the taxpayers.  Criminal charges - not likely.  Job security - no issue there and the union has your back.  Their shitty behavior is encouraged and allowed through omission of any negative consequence.

    C’mon, they have to fight the scourge of evil socialism, immigrants, and cancel culture. And don’t forget about their freedoms of speech, religion, and guns (i.e. it’s ok for them to hate but not for you to hate them).  And lastly, they need to fix the election system so they never lose again.

    That’s a no for me, dog.

    Depends on your need.  I generally use it to transfer gasoline out of my snow blower, lawn mower at end of season and would probably be ok with other fluids that run clean and evaporate but might want a different one for something more viscous.

    The pump pictured in the video above is available at Harbor Freight for about $7 and works well.

    That’s a no from me, dog.

    Setting a precedent would help other states, though.

    The writers have demonstrated for decades that they can’t sustain a 90-minute show with any talent, so that’s more than you can put on Elon.  That said, it’s sure to be a shit-show.

    Sounds like you’re off to a great start. I’ve been grilling with the two-zone approach for a few years now and it works well. Since I don’t like to babysit the grill but also don’t want to forget it, I’ve adopted the habit of setting my phone timer. Typically 6 minutes at a time to remind me to check on things, flip

    I do the same.  I’m down to two bags from last year and counting on that next upcoming sale.

    That was my reaction.  You can’t say it doesn’t matter and then exert extra energy to avoid it at all costs.

    Pasta.  Some people do this automatically but if you don’t, you should.  After you boil and drain your pasta, put butter in the hot pan and return the pasta to the pan and toss.  Soo, good.  And not just for sauced pasta, it’s awesome with macaroni salad.

    Looking more and more like a super villain

    This is wrong.  No matter how much you handle them they will always freak out when you trim their ears and teeth.

    Or maybe he was exaggerating or lying. And sorry, but Disney doesn’t get your flight and rental car money, dude.

    Fuck off with the customer is the cause of this.  Did you see what Bezos made last year?  That he wants to horde it all for himself and treat his employees shitty is not on the customer.

    Correct.  They should call it what it really is: seed money to do the R&D that will hopefully get you there one day.  That people willingly cough it up with no company interest or ownership is crazy.

    Well, they’re not wrong.