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    There are no dining packages currently offered.  They’ve been discontinued throughout the pandemic and no announcement yet on if/when they will return.  Also, regarding the park reservation system, it’d be worth calling our that you can check park availability before purchasing tickets since the tickets are now tied

    Is it, though?

    We do smothered cabbage and potatoes (specifically Paul Prudhomme’s recipe).  It has a nice spice and the cabbage has some crunch instead of being a soggy mess.  Very tasty and pairs well with the corned beef.

    No shit. My response would be, “Well I don’t feel comfortable doing business with you any longer so how about we withdraw everything and close the account.”

    You know who had a really bad day?  The people he killed.  Fuck this guy and the dumb cop, too.

    They also have a different target.  Intel makes chips that fit in lots of boards for many different computer manufacturers.  Apple is making them literally for their own board for their own devices and upgradeability is not a design concern at all.  The models are very different but right for each of them.

    Competitive cheer usually means dance and gymnastics lessons - lots of them.  This is not cheap.

    Step 1: act like a super villain.  Step 2: look like a super villain.

    I think skill #1 is check yourself and not behave shitty in the first place.  This seems to be the one they have a lot of trouble with.

    Yeah, I’d say Aaron concerned me as much, or more than Gabriel. After all, wasn’t his old job to be picky about who he invited back to join their community? And he thinks Mays is good material, now???

    My first reaction is, with the battery, lights, and electronics inside, what’s my confidence level in how balanced and demonstrably random the rolls would be.

    Yeah, don’t forget this is a fucking teacher. Someone who works with kids regularly, supposedly by choice.  If this is the sort of shit she harbors as a good idea, she’s working in the wrong place.

    That bugged me too.

    Cruise and adaptive cruise are very different.  Adaptive cruise will slow down if the car in front of you slows down and maintain a safe (adjustable) distance from them.  Then, if they speed up or you switch lanes, you’ll speed back up to your cruise setting.

    Yeah but if you’re going in approach with all customers is to believe and then treat them like they’re liars, you’re going to be a shitty salesman.  Meanwhile, I walk in pre-approved and know exactly what I want and all you have to do is treat me fairly and not give me a reason to walk, and some dealers can’t even

    Except you’re talking about the dealership like it’s an entity.  The reality is a lot of these people are not there for a long time so the idea of a loyal customer doesn’t seem to be something they care about.

    I don’t want to wear a mask because ... freedom.

    Generally the worst advice we received seemed to also be from non-parents.

    Jaywalking is like a busted taillight.  Something they use as an excuse to hassle someone to try to nail them for something more serious.

    Awesome, so you know her personal situation so much better than everyone else so you’re qualified to speak about it, right?    I don’t know shit and the difference is I wouldn’t pretend to.  What if he’s in the military oversees or she’s a widow.  Clearly you know so much more so enlighten us on how the father has