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    That’s not what Elon would do.  He’d inform but would also be sure to hurl some insults.

    Well, then your experience must be the same as everyone else’s.  Thanks for the help.

    You sound more and more like exactly the kind of asshole everyone in here hates dealing with. Believe it or not, you’re not the only game in town and some of us hate the whole experience especially with that kind of personality. I’d pay sticker to a nice, easy-to-deal with salesman vs. haggle for 2 minutes with

    Whatever stupid point you’re making is completely lost due to the poor sentence structure.  Nice try telling multiple people they’re wrong about their experience though.

    Hmmm, person grows up their whole life not experiencing anything at all due to their race and color and feels qualified to therefore judge POC.  Well done.

    Does anyone really need this explained to them?

    So a woman speaks up about abuse and your value-added comments are what she said, how she said it, and your assessment of her current relevancy. Nice take, asshole!

    If you think shitty horrible things and say them out loud, that is your right. Your employer is not required to retain your shitty ass though and your “free speech” can have consequences. Does that really need to be explained to you? Do you have an employer? If so then you should be very aware that you can’t just say

    Yay, you pass Reading 101.

    Stopped watching a long time ago and miss it less each year.

    Fortunately Rudy has shown himself to be very stupid and unaware of the consequences of his actions.

    Not knowing if it’s true or not doesn’t change the fact that it’s libel.

    Thanks for the reminder that not only is he repugnant, he probably smells like shit up close, too.

    No, they do, they just know their constituents are stupid and easily fooled.

    This...combined with calling everyone a snowflake when they bitch and pout more than anyone.

    Not only does Apple not like leaks, they have contracts that forbid their suppliers from disclosing that they supply to Apple at all.  Even though the world knows where some of the iPhone components come from, it’s not something Apple or its suppliers will ever talk about.  And the dollars and quantities make that

    Personally I’d put Popeye’s > Chick-Fil-A > Wendy’s > McDonald’s > Burger King.  However, I’d consider the first 2 to be close enough though I’d much rather have a red beans and rice for a side than those waffle fries that I just don’t care for.  I don’t picture McD’s moving into top 2 but am curious what their new

    Eddie Van Halen doesn’t get a mention???

    I’m guessing the Venn diagram of audiophiles and Kanye fans has a very small overlap, though.

    Standard - “You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.” Seriously, it’s not like there’s Apple’s connector and everyone else uses the same thing. There are a lot of “standards”, Apple among them.