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    I’d love to meet some moderates on the right.  Lately it seems like everyone is in for a penny, in for a pound.  Every irrational thing that comes out of that orange ass-clown gets a yes from them.  Vote for him, sure.  I lost to the election must have been rigged.  Ok.  We lost the fight multiple times, it must be a

    I actually had a tiny bit of success with that particular point and a fairly staunch Catholic. I said, “You do realize we’re not advocating for more abortions or being pro-abortion. It’s more of a standing about whether we think it’s the government’s role to legislate against it and make it impossible to do safely.” 

    You sound like you’d be a lot of fun in bed.

    I’ve seen many more comprehensive reviews than this.  Not sure how it was supposed to help anyone.

    Yeah, there are a lot of additional details that aren’t covered.  With ads, they make money off of click and more off of views (you can skip an ad after so many seconds but they’re better compensated if you don’t).

    Can somebody explain to me, in a way that will change my mind, how setting your phone on a disc that’s connected to a wire is somehow “wireless”.  What advantage is there to setting on a disc vs. plugging it in?  They both require wires that run from an outlet all the way to your device so I just don’t get it.  The

    To be clear, it won’t go to the people.  It never does.

    And maybe things like roads will need less repair if use declines long term.  Infrastructure will change if this becomes a long-term trend and to force it do sustain with taxes would be short-sighted.

    The line that always sticks in my head:

    Fuck him.  It’s him and his behavior that’s killing all of us much more so than the virus alone.

    And therefore ad-blockers.  If you’re gonna be shitty about it, I’m gonna block it.

    If your examples of adults are gamers, maybe it’s time to find better examples.

    In the case of Florida, they’re actually the last park to open so maybe you should boycott them all. Universal Studios, Sea World, Busch Gardens, Lego Land, and some smaller ones have all been open for a while now.

    One of our big concerns. They’ll do their best and Disney does customer service well but the one thing I always said about the parks is they have a culture of non-confrontation so this will be new territory for them.

    Maybe.  We consider ourselves Disney people and we even had a trip booked this summer.  We pushed July to August and then, when the latest stats hit, we cancelled.  We really want to go but our desire to stay safe is much greater.

    The so called news is called that because it’s news. It is, was, and will be news. Whatever extra special, truther crap you’re touting is the real fake media. Looking for the narrative you want to believe in is not “independent investigating”. But this isn’t what you want to hear so of course you won’t listen to it

    I’m just so very relieved to remember it’s not all cops.  Most... not all.

    Yes, I would expect now to be the time that the GOP decides to finally use good judgment.  Bless your heart.

    Checks data.  You mean 95% of crimes by POC and 0.1% of crimes by YT’s right?

    Pretty sure that the majority of the problem is people not wanting to get it, not that they are in need of more clear wording.