Opened the article specifically to find MST3K comments, leaving satisfied!
Opened the article specifically to find MST3K comments, leaving satisfied!
Apparently I should have been more clear. My point is that I love cars that many consider to be oddly proportioned. The M Coupe and the 318ti are vastly different machines, but if they have any bond at all, it’s that many find them to be incredibly ugly. Personally, I love how they look.
My favorite BMW is the M Coupe, so naturally I love these as well. I rescued a base model in very poor condition and 258,000 miles, made it functional and had a lot of fun with it before its prior neglect and rust - despite plenty of preventative maintenance - finally caught up with it. But man was it fun to drive!
A drive through my town is never complete without getting cut off, blocked or nearly T-boned by one of our lovely local cabs. I’m right with you - I’d love a professional driving job, so I don’t understand why people that literally drive for a living can be so terrible at it.
No kidding! I’m surprised these didn’t come with a faded, peeling Sunoco sticker right off the factory line.
Can’t remember what show or movie this was from,
“Nah, God is too busy making tornadoes or not existing.”
Your list is genuinely spot-on. Only thing it’s missing (as another mentioned) is Kias!
You’re absolutely right. There’s some asshole drivers in my area that I’ve memorized because they have a vanity plate or some distinctive stickers on the back.
Your dark sarcasm in the paddock
We don’t need no traction c o n t r o l.
That is absolutely the best way to ride. I’ve enjoyed motorcycles all my life (also been “on the road” riding for 11 years) but have never ceased to take it extremely seriously - the latter strategy you mention has saved me from countless accidents over the years! Being able to effectively predict other drivers’…
Unfortunately the contrarianism here only exists because the inattentive driver hit a motorcyclist. At Jalopnik, everything’s the motorcyclist’s fault. A while back when the old man deliberately swerved out of his lane to run a passing motorcycle off the road, it was entirely the rider’s fault per Jalopnik court.
hey hey hey it’s time to make some craaaaazy money are you ready?
With all the negativity in the world, it is refreshing to see a positive post.
I get why people hate Celebrity Brain Crash, but I kind of enjoy the fact that these random actors, racing drivers and bands are such good sports to agree to take part. “Could you come on our program for a quick segment where you pretend to die a violent death?”
But-but-but this entire website is founded upon pedantic contrarianism!
There’s lots of decent Harley riders out there, but MAN are the bad ones vocal about their hatred for anything different. My dad had a Honda Valkyrie and got the same flack from H-D riders. How did he shut them up? Simple:
“I’ve rode my Valkyrie from New Hampshire to Daytona and back several times, and never broke…
I strongly agree. I’ve watched enough of them to decide that it’s the mechanical equivelent to Bob Ross’ painting program. Relaxing ambiance.