I’d buy that for a dollar!
I’d buy that for a dollar!
I might use aggregated user reviews to distinguish between similar products, like I used them when I bought an iron. For books I will often look through the 1 and 2 star reviews and looking for anyone talking about plot and characterization.
I’m not seeing any stars, not even those I have given.
Well Paramount is dumping some of its science fiction films in the wake of Bladerunner 2049 under performing in the box office. The executive behind some of the recent films has been axed and the replacement is cleaning house. The movie itself was a mashup of pretty much every recent space film, but without the things…
I bounced off hard after a handful of chapters. It struck me as being rather juvenile, the one piece of information I had in every scene was how hard his dick was and if there was a woman around he was, at least, at half mast. The book opens with a sex scene turned bloodbath where his witnesses his girlfriend’s death…
I think there’s a certain understanding that restaurants aren’t going to cater to a child that young.
It sounds like depression, I’d highly recommend getting some exercise. Mountain climbers can be done in your home and is better cardio than you’d expect.
We could really use some new GPU’s in my medical research lab, but mining play money is good too.
I was listening to a podcast with a black games journalist, Austin Walker, who told a story about one of these or something like it. A family friend gave him one of these and one night he was pulled over for having a broken headlight, which he could clearly see wasn’t true. He handed over his license, registration,…
You’re a lot tougher than me. I made two honest attempts at watching it and gave up before the halfway point. The dialog is soo clunky, I have to wonder if Landis has met a person before.
This is my hope. I know the GOP doesn’t like Donald and if Mueller indicts him, or the Democrats impeach him then they make ads forever about how the savior of America was stolen away from the people.
I like using cash from most small purchases, I feel like it helps me track my spending better than using a card.
Is the edit monetized through advertising? Do the makers of the edit get anything from people watching it besides getting dunked on on twitter? They explicitly said they hate this version and wanted another version made by Lucas that would make Mark Hamill proud, and Mark Hamill laughed in their fucking face. I can’t…
Brazil Comic Con organizers used a humongous black tarp to cover the audience Symbiote-style, which was a nice touch, but Hardy’s so cheerful, he might as well be carrying one of the many puppies he’s been photographed with.
I think it’s because we had about a year between its initial release and American release and every week there was a story running about how the studio wanted to dumb it down, but the director wasn’t gunna let ‘em! and that implied that the movie was smart and that it wasn’t the least subtle film since The Day After…
The hairline is the closest thing he has to qualifications for a “senior” position, he’s barely over 30. The Trump administration in general look like Satan decided to test us and sent his shoddiest demons.
I’m not 100% sure about the Bannon tweets. “Sloppy Steve” is an alliteration and Trump’s insulting nicknames are typically sub grade school bully level of creativity.
Funny, I had just learned about the swearing in on twitter. It’s a pretty apt description of what appears to be taking place.
JJ is getting the franchise back so I’m kinda hoping for a petty thing where he just undoes all the thing Rian Johnson undid.
“Kylo lied, Rey is Luke’s daughter and he didn’t recognize her because he needed glasses.”
“Snoke cast dark force illusion and didn’t die and has a back story that exists.”
That’s my hope. I hope the investigation is continuing for the sake of getting nail in coffin material, but hopefully what he has already will be enough for the 70% of Americans who don’t really like the guy.
My other hope is that while much of the GOP would love some kind of Autocracy, that committing to it will be…