I’m still kind of sad the flight mechanics/engine wasn’t repurposed into an Iron Man game. As you and Aaron says, it was great.
I’m still kind of sad the flight mechanics/engine wasn’t repurposed into an Iron Man game. As you and Aaron says, it was great.
I tried anthem years after it came out and I really enjoyed it...I also played it effectively single player and got every armor modification to maximize high speed flight time which made it way more fun to play. The biggest issue with the game was that they ignored their biggest strength. The flight was fantastic when…
To her credit, uninteresting and banal is leagues ahead of “try too hard, be skin-crawling levels of obnoxious, and show very obviously that you have faced zero consequences in your life,” which most Twitch streamers exhibit.
lmao you made a new account to post this blather that nobody will reply to except me
Fun fact: If you apply the ‘Nintendo Lawyer’ Instagram filter, the girl is actually astride a giant sack of money.
I really liked that game. I thought it pulled off “live action XCom” gameplay pretty well, and it did a good job of ramping up suspense with the different hive levels of response. A lot of my missions ended with mad dashes to the transport with my motion trackers going crazy over an incoming wave, and it was great.
Did anyone ask Noah Hawley about Aliens; Dark Descent?
The idea that, on some level, it was a bioweapon created half an hour ago
No, it’s clear to me now that Snyder needs a second pass at every project, just to creatively break even.
My theory is that it was planned that way from the start as a gimmick for Netflix to increase view counts. They’re betting on Synder’s fans hashtagging releasethesnydercutagain or some shit like that.
“ in Snyder’s words, “like, an hour longer and has a whole other opening that’s all Ed. It’s really crazy.”
So, why didn’t he do it in the first place? He was literally the director and...god knows why...got the do “whatever you want”-card for these movies.
Does he need his cultlike followers to pray for a “Snydercut”…
Promising? Or threatening?
With the amount of creative freedom he clearly had in this, I think it's safe to say: this initial version is, by definition, good director's cut.
Snyder has confirmed that the director’s cut of the first movie will be R-rated
I can’t speak for others, but to me Bay comes off as someone who makes blockbuster films where things blow up and people tune out for a few hours and that’s it. He doesn’t aspire to any higher art, none of his fans expect anything more than machines punching each other (and maybe some regressive humor) and everyone…
God, that trailer looks too ugly and stupid, even for a Snyder film. His transition to Uwe Bay is complete.
You don't understand opinions, do you?
so they added “fun” to the movies’ already-existing “gorgeous and empty”
Never really got the general idea of Scream movies as something that lent itself to longevity. Even on a meta level things get thin real quick.
So people don’t have to minimize their browser windows or scroll through, I will present the list of films alongside their Metacritic/Rotten Tomatoes scores:
20. From Black - TBD/TBD
19. Sorry About the Demon - TBD/91%
18. The Pope’s Exorcist - 45/50%
17. Malum - TBD/83%
16. The Offering - 60/76%
15. Knock at the Cabin -…