I’ve been looking for a chance to share the cutest kitty I saw this week. He cuddles his foot!
I’ve been looking for a chance to share the cutest kitty I saw this week. He cuddles his foot!
I think good humor requires a degree of empathy and understanding of your fellow man and that’s lacking the further right you go.
On a related note, I would kill to have congress salaries set to a fixed multiple of the minimum wage. Want to give yourself a raise? raise the minimum wage.
So the sentence about the demographics is damning statement. It was brought up on a tv podcast, but good viewership in the target demographic is more important to the studio than total viewers, of course they want both though.
It’s been a very difficult read, for a number of reasons.
Err, according to Wikipedia it cost around $345 million and brought in $80 million in North America and $330 overseas, of which studios bring back a smaller share. Deadline estimates a $90 million loss.
My friends used to wake up super early for Black Friday, but I always loved sleep too much to ever try. This year I did do online shopping and got a SAD lamp and a game about killing Nazis so I’m pretty happy.
Yeah, I’m reading Origins of Totalitarianism. The author has a dim view of elites who, in her view, having no interest in the ordinary operation of the government try to shape it to their concerns which is simply security.
Pretty good, the only Trump supporter in the family isn’t here so it’s mostly been speculating about Trump’s mental health.
By using I hope you mean downloaded, looked at the profile creation, panicked, and set to deactivate. In that case I downloaded Tinder. The second I think about the profile I think about my lack of photos and a million pieces of half remembered dating advice.
My big news, I got a friend to fill out the parts of my dating profile that I overthink and freak out about. Still can’t take a good picture though.
Surely the easy experiment to buy a ticket from Alaska to China, and buy a ticket from southern Chile to South Africa. One trip should take 20 times longer than the other.
How about we disrupt tipping with a living a wage?
It so short sighted and I can’t figure out if this is *just* a cash grab for the ultrarich, or is this actively a middle finger to science?
We got our paper back for review and my boss has a list of changes he wants, but he doesn’t know how much time each of these will take. Everything about this project has been an emergency so my codes are in shambles, just a heap of every one of his whims. I really need this break.
Maybe try giving up the lip balms for a week if petroleum gives you problems? I had dry lips that became significantly worse while using Burt’s Beeswax.
School can do that. Hang in there it gets better and if you need convincing try talking to a couple nurses before making any big decisions.
It is frustrating and it changes the way I post. Instead off making original posts, I have to frame comments as responses to other people.
This George Take one is rough for me.