I don’t know much about the comics, but I’ve heard Plastic Man is a pervy comedic relief character. Maybe they’re drawing elements from both?
Mostly they complain about how unhappy they are and how women are responsible for that. They’re closely related to the red pillers and alpha males, they just see themselves as being great potential partners but lack the looks or financial success that would attract women.
I sympathize to a certain extent, being lonely…
I’ve never felt the need to invoke the uncanny valley when talking about brightly colored cartoon animals, yet here we are.
I have some issues with the movie, but the guy has like 10 lines in it. The movie is basically a music video.
Well, if his ploy works the people eating it will be idiots trying to hurt liberal feelings.
There was a discussion on the Waypoint podcast in response to sexual harassment allegations in the games industry. One point that made is that HR is often there to look out for the company, not employees and may often say “we’ll talk to blank, but this does not rise to the level of an incident.” That means no report…
Thing is Trump can’t pardon state crimes and Mueller made a big show of talking to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. It’s assumed that was a message to anyone charged by Mueller that and pardoned would just get hit with state charges.
I never understood why “I hope you live in interesting times” would be a…
There was a very public display of Mueller working with a state attorney some months ago. It was widely suggested that it was to show that if Trump promised anyone a pardon to stay quiet, that Mueller who pursue charges that could not be pardoned by the president.
If you want a preview of Trump’s impeachment, the President Show made one for you.
Has a girlfriend who’s a model, but she lives in Canada and that’s why nobody has met her.
I’m beginning to think I didn’t actually survive that hospital visit in Fall 2016...
He released a statement saying that he wasn’t aware of the allegations, is disgusted with the situation, and is donating residuals from his movies associated with Weinstein to a woman’s organization.
I’m sure if is directorial debut, a film about him being a swell fella who walks a woman home, hadn’t bombed he would have quit. Maybe if it was NC-17 it would have done better?
I’m more or less in the same boat, although it wasn’t kids but leaving for a job. I’ve been working up the courage to join a bunch of clubs and volunteer activities.
Vox posted this article about a week earlier, a pharmacist serving congressmen mentioned that there are several taking Alzheimer medication.
Witch shoes.
It’s like she stepped on a nail right before they started and she has to last until the commercial.