More specifically, the ‘everybody dance now’ voice was provided by Martha Wash, who was half of The Weather Girls (“It’s Raining Men”). She sued for credit and royalties on that song, which led to an undisclosed out-of-court settlement and indirectly led to legislation that made vocal credits mandatory.
The only concession they were able to win regarding that character’s name was his title. In the movie version, he’s Detective Harry Hole. In the original novel, he’s (and I am NOT making this up) Inspector Harry Hole.
France tried decimal time during the French Revolution.
Or Forbidden Planet!
>> Also, they apparently keep stealing their rocks.
I’m more worried about Jack Black playing the uncle. He’s too young, and I don’t trust him to play the role straight (it is *not* a comedic character).
Awkwafina is the alter ego of Bojack Horseman character Sextina Aquafina.
Lou Brock might have something to say also.
Brock Sampson demands a moment of your time.
Thank you.
Did you all wipe out thousands of comments, or is this temporary?
Joke’s on them. Let’s talk about sex.
Have you ever considered becoming NeckBeaArthur? That could be fun.
Hey! I do not intend to be eaten today, dammit.
My dear Monsieur Viking:
I didn't think so until this season. She's always liked burning shit, but I thought she'd been doing so more or less responsibly and with cause. Then came the attack on the loot train, which felt more like a war crime than a battle; it wasn't ethically wrong, but it was awful to watch. Then came the burning of the…
I'm not sure I agree 100% with your police work there, Lou.
Bookmarked with gratitude.