SOME INCEST, but not much, and not in a gratuitous way, it has to serve the plot, and maybe we could get some more Fresca while you're up?
SOME INCEST, but not much, and not in a gratuitous way, it has to serve the plot, and maybe we could get some more Fresca while you're up?
My confession: none of my gimmick accounts have ever been any good.
That one actually taught me something.
I'm afraid I have bad news about 2001.
Ehhhh …
The A.V. Club
Inconsequential … but … it really pisses me off
We'll meet again
Don't know where, don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through just like you always do
'Till the blue skies drive the Kinja far away
I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, Shulkie.
It would take a Panglossian level of optimistic naïveté to not point out that something just seems wrong here.
Maybe? I definitely didn't hear "RAY-gar."
Also, she wildly mispronounced it. "Ragger" or something.
What would you prefer - Ruckcohlchez Stark?
I'm still holding out hope for him to play Newt Hoenikker in Cat's Cradle.
Be well, sir. You are already missed.
I'd have thought the (commercial) failure of Horace and Pete would have convinced him not to surprise consumers. Maybe he only learned to not try to change the way people watch TV with a show they've never heard of.
Gillian Anderson as every British or American character in the book.
"Oh Björk, Björk,
Were you brought by the stork?
Or were you created from butter and cork?
I love you so much that I act like a dork.
Oh Björk, oh Björk, oh Björk."
Picky, picky.