
Clearly his tires were overinflated by 0.5 PSI.  

Here she is! Man, I loved that car. Rock solid reliable, and surprisingly easy to work on. The power was great obviously, but nobody tells you that the W208 AMG was surprisingly light- 3400 lbs wet- and the stiff springs kept it totally flat in corners.

Patrick George'd

-I’ve only got a minute here in 1998. But I just wanted to tell you: Y2K was a total non-event. Don’t worry about that one.

I keep getting the same result no matter how I configure it.

Because shut up, Kyle.

Corvette Owner Upset His Ford GT Application Was Denied.

It’s a huge stretch to say he was “just another person” with an opinion.

That’s kind of like saying that the Beatles were “just another band.”

I say that because, like the Beatles, he was pretty influential, and I don’t think you can argue against that point.

Erin’s story is correct that he was anti-semitic - I don’t

I made this, it makes the 2019 Camaro look much better.

Look at all his majesty. Those peasants in their thatched roof cottages don’t stand a chance.

I manage a new car franchise (one of several in our dealer group) and we have a large used car inventory (average of 700+ at any given time, 1000+ in peak seasons). We have a ‘No-Haggle’ price, and do not negotiate prices on our pre-owned inventory. We’ve had the policy since 1990 and we’re still in business. The

I WILL fight you for omitting the e39, BMWs true peak of excellence. From base to m5, sedan to sportwagen. There is no substitution.


They were only a second apart at the end of it...

If only there would have been a good guy there with a tanker to stop them.

We don’t need any performance cars, either. How many are actually driven on a track?

ford didn’t take away your falcons and utes.. your unions did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nah. His chute didn’t open.