
+1 for this cuz I was thinking of the actor when I saw the name. 

+1 for making me snort at my desk.

I’d agree with both of those reasons and also add that there is too much of it on TV now with every Thursday night having a game. Plus with the Red Zone Channel you can skip all the boring stuff like non-scoring drives (lol) and TV timeouts. I wish all the Thurs/Sun/Mon games would be played at the same time so I

You don't watch the show much, do you.

I still feel that Carl in Rosemead was a bigger scandal.

Yes, I've been wondering WTF is wrong with his face for many years.

A common problem with rap music is that the songs go on 8:59 too long.

People love watching Thursday Night Football? Stop it.

I'm waiting for the entire NFL/NBA/MLB seasons to be released on Netflix so I can just binge-watch.

Isn’t Chicago-style more lasagna-like than pizza?

I can relate. There’s too much NFL now. I stopped watching all the night games last year because they were either really bad or I just didn’t care about the teams. I also stopped watching my local team’s games in favor just watching the Red Zone Channel.

-Get rid of the WNBA.

“Third inning?” Why did you wait so long to leave? - SoCal fans

Stop it. People don't really listen to Bill Simmons on purpose, do they?

Nice beard. *Kevin Lanflisi shrug*

Jim Rome : Peter Dinklage

And you fail to understand the point of these articles. Who's the dipshit?

Can't believe no one has mentioned the Seven Nation Army chant their fans do. The wave thinks that is annoying.

Thanks for proving the author's point about the fans.