J. Alora

Your act is about as fresh as a Foghat concert.

Hibbert has expanded his responsibilities to prevent scoring at the rim at both ends of the floor.

Like pounding four of them?

Ridiculous. Lombardi should have been given a raise and extension for turning Trent Richardson back into a first round pick.

Now playing

Before we get started bickering about whether Indians really like to be called "redskin" or LOVE to be called "redskin", thought I'd leave this here:

The last time a horse got worked this hard, Boxer ended up in the glue factory.

Confused why #fuckcoke is trending on twitter. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose

Who else saw this commercial live and waited for this article to pop up?

Not shown: the plane flying a smaller route in the southeastern corner reading "Copyright Texas A&M University"

32 games? That's nothin. AC Green went his entire career without ever scoring.

Look at all the good he did! The swift response to steroids....er...the implementation of replay to avoid mistaken calls in a timely manner....um....making the All-Star game matter so much!...Jesus he really is a crazy person

If I ever get famous enough to need to do this, I'm definitely going with Richie Incognito.

ESPN statement on the Deadspin/Dan Le Batard ballot: "We respect and appreciate Dan’s opinions and passion about Hall of Fame voting. He received his vote while at the Miami Herald. We wouldn’t have advocated his voting approach, which we were just made aware of today." [ESPN]

Thanks for doing this Dan.