
The literal abortion pill is not available without a prescription. It is different than the morning after pill, which blocks conception. The conflation of the two is dangerous and irresponsible writing.

Did anyone else think that Arkangel was bullshit? (spoilers)

The winner: Prince.

Hear hear. I am sick to fucking death of corporate, capitalistic, commercialized, “lean in” White Feminism. Capitalism and real, intersectional feminism are incompatible.

you know it’s a TV show right?

In a year full of awful shit happening in the real world, this is an amazing Christmas gift. Two new Dave Chappelle specials!

OK, I know I’m going to take some shit for this, but I finally watched The Wire this year. And it’s as great as everyone says.

It’s a testament to the sheer joyful madness of Legion that it could probably fill this entire list all by itself. Aubrey Plaza dancing to Nina Simone. Jemaine Clement talking directly to the audience. The silent movie sequence. The bollywood dance number. The list goes on and on and on.

Or you could just....close your browser?

I did not care about Frances Ha at all, but I really liked Florida Project (and Lady Bird, so apparently my problem wasn’t with Gerwig in general).

My biggest fear in this life, is that Darren Aronofsky will make more movies.

Yeah, this was the 1st episode where I really felt like the creators/producers don’t know what they’re doing. At first, I really liked the patient world-building and set-up involving both the kids and parents (and the kid-parent dynamics). Then episode 5 happened and I felt that was going to be a shift in the

Those were all Gungans and in the extended Blue Ray version they’re all gonna have voices and throughout the whole fight they’re gonna be saying shit like “Oopsie me have a stabby” really loudly

The internet has been used to amplify.......questionable opinions since its inception, something I always considered part of the price for a free society. But its part in the rise of Trump and the ensuing consequences is the first time I have actively wished for the ability to make the internet go away.

Utterly terrible decision. I can understand them shying away from the time travel, since that hasn’t been too deeply explored and it would be weird for some random hippies in LA to be able to, but magic has been firmly established

My best friend and I were away for a girls’ weekend at the beach last weekend, and the weather sucked so we stayed in watching TV. I had seen the show and she hadn’t, but I was so happy to watch it all again. The scenes with Suzie and Midge sounded so much like our conversations and the way we talk to each other that

Finding it really hard to get around the fact that they turned Nico’s staff from a magical artifact into a piece of reversed-engineered alien (?) tech. That drives home how weirdly afraid of its source material this show seems to be. Over on the CW we’ve got like thirty superheroes fighting Nazis from another