
ALL of Janelle Monae’s Dirty Computer is a call to arms. And the #1 most played on my spotify rn and for the past months

Vancouverites*. And our “transport system” he will be voicing is called the Skytrain

I hope one top song is from Dirty Computer. My vote is for Make Me Feel

I did this back in November on facebook and twitter, alas I had no way to tell people to do the same. In addition to Russian interference I chose to boycot them for nearly destroying the social structure of our society, which many previous ceo’s were speakig out against and apologizing for at the time too

I feel like a lot of the tv I’ve loved this year has already gotten good coverage here, so the books Brother and The Only Cafe by David Chariandy and Linden Macintyre are my recommendations. Canadian authors have been churning out some amazing things lately.

Great piece. I have been thinking a lot about the commercialized feminism of today and how dangerous it is to become complicit in the system you are supposed to be fighting. I don’t believe that feminism and capitalism (at least the highly unregulated neo-liberal capitalism of today) can co-exist, and not only that,

I didn’t cross as many things off my list as I’d planned too.. but I watched I Married A Witch, The Godfather Part I, Hush, The Invitation, White Girl, the last season of Buffy, and Bunheads. Good mix I think.

I mean, I could just unplug the router as well. I havent tried the plug in, but if I’m understanding correctly then every page is empty of text or media. I would like an extension that made only the unnecessary things empty, where I could go to a website’s main page and choose an article to read, but not see links to


Can’t believe that Mother! was so high on this list, let alone at all. When I say I hated it, that’s an understatement. But somehow it’s less of an understatement than the director used to try to bring his shitty allegories to life with such a heavy hand. Don’t you remember Jennifer Lawrence first being assaulted by

Yeah but remember how they even introduced the other realms in Thor as science through Jane Foster? I felt that even in Agents of Shield they turned a lot away from magic and towards science. Maybe I’m remembering wrong, but I feel like Marvel has very strongly tried to “explain magic.”

I’m kinda annoyed that magic keeps being explained as science in all these film and tv adaptations. I really couldn’t wait to see all the intricacies of Nico’s relationship to her magic and her staff and being explained as science is, well, a bit boring. And less personal.

I agree that Clo set Nola up, and (assumingly) gave her a ton of opportunities by revealing her identity as the artist of the posters.. but I also kind of agree with Nola? ex. I think that if I anonymously wrote a short story, around a traumatic experience, and wanted it to be shared, then I would be mad if my friend

I went and saw a star war at the theatre with my grandpa. I really enjoyed the new elements of the force, what I thought were extra political messages, themes of teaching through failure, zaniness, and ice foxes. One thing I really disliked was the DOP, the lighting of the latter half of the movie ruined a lot of

I only have one comment about the movie I want to make: I really hated the director of photgraphy. The lighting was absolutely terrible in the final battle, it was extremely distracting and ruined a lot of otherwise beautiful shots.

You must not get out much.

Daveed Diggs should be in this. Then again, he should be in everything.

I think there’s some disconnection from this author covering the eps and the woman who wrote the pre-air review

I really hoped Joel would leave after the pilot, but I can of see now why it was more realistic to have in this season. I hope he’s just a minor character next season though, but I think one thing that ASP never lets her characters do is move-on-dot-org from their first loves.

I imagine it’s based off the processes of them writing the show. Never take the first joke!