I'm glad she's feeling better about it, but this doesn't relieve me of having to see Colin Jost attempt to do jokes every week.
I'm glad she's feeling better about it, but this doesn't relieve me of having to see Colin Jost attempt to do jokes every week.
65% is a B grade?!? What magical heaven is this school?
I want it to be my sheets.
...I want this to be a poster on my wall in the year 2014.
in a year circa 2000 this would be poster on my wall
Oh my. 21-year-old Chris Pratt was a damn hunk o' man, what with the highlighted locks and the casually unbuttoned…
About the level of insight I would expect from someone with your name. aka: none.
Columbia University senior Emma Sulkowicz is carrying her mattress to class every day until her rapist leaves…
That gif is TOO MUCH.
WHAT IS THAT ABOUT? I work at a school, and I found a poop in the staff bathroom. Like, right *in front* of the toilet, on the floor. How does that happen?
I don't have a poop story. I'm commenting purely so that you can all laugh at my British discomfort at the idea of sharing a poop story. Or reading a poop story. Or generally acknowledging that poop is a thing that happens.
What kind of mangled dicks have you seen that remotely resemble croissants and lobster tails?
You know it, I know it and even your great-aunt Marlene who wears too much powder knows it: Some foods look like…
Has Jessie from the babysitters' club taught us nothing?
The amazing Misty Copeland recently went on NPR Morning Edition, where she discussed her experiences being the…
Yet another reason we need more women in tech/all STEM
And yet they keep a page showing a kitten in a bucket being doused with kerosene and then lit on fire. WTF.
At the University of Chicago, Patty Fernandez runs an organization called Tea Time and Sex Chats. "What we do is…