
I’ve watched this video 46 times and I still can’t figure out how he kicked it. I’m sticking to my initial reaction that this is a camera trick.

Cut to Stephen A Smith and Michael Wilbon saying he’s being criticized as a coach because he’s black....

A public pressured arrest. Cool.

“ At one point, Cousins can be heard shouting, “Hey, the nigga was trying to choke Matt, I hit the shit out this nigga!””

He’s forced to explain his decision to bench a QB who had 4 passing yards through three quarters? I’m assuming if Kaepernick stood for the national anthem we wouldn’t need an explanation, right?

Yawn.... and this is exactly why Trump won. You PC police are getting out of control and rational thinking people (AKA non liberals) are sick of it.

It’s about time... how did it take this long to come up with the most common sense solution? Prior to 2002, nobody cared if the AL won, and nobody cared if the NL won - so why was everyone up in arms about a tie? People love to bitch about anything.

I remember when Deadspin used to show naked chicks. Sigh....

He better be careful or he might get a double minor

What they did isn’t that bad. Let it go already

Everybody with an IQ over 70 understood it was a tongue in cheek post and you didn’t mean any harm with it. However, your average liberal’s IQ falls well short of that, and this website is crawling with those pieces of shit, so the response isn’t surprising.

It was a tongue in cheek post. I wouldn’t expect someone with your IQ to comprehend that though. Find a new job, you are HORRIBLE at what you do.

This guy might be a trend-setter... imagine being a projected first rounder and blowing out your knee in a meaningless bowl game (which only the colleges profit off of), then watching your million dollar payday go down the toilet?

Swing and a miss, Mike.... educate yourself before you protest please.

Jesus Christ, just shut the fuck up already Ashley. He won, get over it. Are you going to do a smear story every day for the next 4 years? Grow up.

Calm down man... you liberals and your whiny attitudes and your rioting (I mean protesting) in the streets is exactly why Trump won the damn election. Most of America sits and watches this crap on TV and is sick of it. So they make their voices heard at the voting booth to side with the candidate who doesn’t cater

Jesus liberals are a bunch of whiny pussies. Your candidate lost, get over it. The protests and the whining are proving why so many people did vote for Trump - they are sick of catering to these pathetic people.

““I’m from Florida. Could I have told you that lots of people in Florida would vote for Trump? Sure! Florida has many racists.”” You liberals are really fucking pathetic. All I’ve been hearing for the last two days is how a vote for Trump means you’re a racist. You want to know what’s racist? How about in 2008

My God you liberals are pathetic. I see you were out in the streets last night protesting democracy. Sadly, I’m not surprised. Hillary losing the election might mean you have to go get a job instead of sitting on your unemployed asses all day collecting government money which allows you to go out and riot, I mean
