
He’s 100% right.... it’s a quick way to get 15 minutes of fame, and it’s all he said/she said. They know the media will report it, so they run to the media with this nonsense. If they were real allegations, they would go to the police. Don’t buy into everything the media tells you!!!

Not buying it....

This is breach of contract.

So the parents took $1.5M of hush money to keep quiet about their daughter being abused? What kind of horrible fucking parents are these???

So does anyone who boos an athlete get crucified by you? I notice you leave out hockey fans who are brutal to the other teams. I guess that doesn’t fit your false agenda though does it?

Jefferson has zero idea who threw something at him, please tell me what good running into the stands is going to do. I’ll wait

How do you know the food thrower was white??? Interesting jump to a conclusion. I wonder why.

Can understand him being pissed off, but are you seriously giving him a pass for trying to pull a Ron Artest 2.0??? He had no idea where that cup came from, so what was his game plan? You defending him is a joke

Not buying a word of it.... sounds like a consensual relationship that turned sour after she was demoted and now she’s trying to get even. #Anotherfakemetoostory

Name-calling on an internet message board. Your kids must be so proud of you.

“Because the National Team training camps did not allow parents to be present”

I’m disappointed that it’s after noon and Deadspin still has not reported on the dildo thrown on the field. It’s my favorite Bills/Patriots tradition.

I much prefer to eat the V

Just like with every asinine social justice protest, the clowns behind it have their price to end it.

Playing the race card when it has no business being played.... yawn.... and people wonder why nobody takes racism seriously anymore.

Where’s mothers and fathers? Other than not in the picture?

As a Bills fan, there are two ways in which Peterman starting over Tyrod would have been acceptable this year:

Ah yes, the obligatory “if you think Kaepernick isn’t a good football player you are racist” comment. And people wonder why racism is seen as a joke and not a serious problem in this country.

“There is nothing we can do to control these mass shootings” — says the only country on Earth where it keeps happening

I’m actually a little impressed that the long haired douchebag in the orange was able to bounce back up like that.