
Wow. Don’t really know what to say other than fuck this guy.

“We do not watch no NFL now.” So you do watch it?  

This seems like a good kid, so I hate rooting against him just because of his jackoff old man. But good. Keep missing.

Why would anyone ever throw him a fastball anywhere near the plate? Either throw the heat around his eyes or a foot outside, and then throw your breaking pitches around the plate. He would be sent to the minors in a month if all pitchers did this. Instead these morons insist on challenging him.

A woman with self-esteem would have ignored him instead of trying to get validation from the internet. Pathetic loser.

What exactly is a “conversation about nudity?” I’ve seen just about all of the internet porn I can handle, so I might be interested in turning to this for my solo nights in the future.

Shut the fuck up... stop making racist accusations over every little thing that involves a minority. Not everything is about race, fuckwad

Funny how these stories always comes out right after an athlete takes heat for doing something wrong. They know how to get themselves out of trouble.

1. I have no idea if that guy balked or not.

My biggest takeaway from the first two Giants games is simple: Eli Manning kind of sucks at football in 2017.

What a pathetic group of people who have no idea what they are fighting for.

Dafuck did I just read?

Funny how he doesn’t list the black quarterbacks Kaep is better than

So people were turned off by something that isn’t even shown on TV before the games? Interesting.

Ah, the old “that’s racist!” when it doesn’t exist. Yawn....

I guess innocent until proven guilty gets lost on liberals when the alleged crime is against a woman

I wouldn’t draft him. If I’m a GM I’m looking for a player, not a social activist.

That’s just stupid — police also have families to go home to and if their lives are in danger, they’re going to react. Why do people think these blacks who have been killed are innocent? That’s the real problem! You liberals ignore the underlying cause and want to fix a problem while still allowing blacks to commit

The problem is that black people think they really do just get killed for being black. They ignore the fact that every time they are shot and killed they are committing crimes and sometimes even shooting at cops. Yeah, these are the people we should be defending. Liberal morons.