
“but I don’t think anybody can deny this guy is openly and brazenly racist and misogynistic and ethnic-centric....”

A hearty “fuck you” to anyone who didn’t vote for the candidate you wanted to win? How very liberal of you. I wonder why America wanted a change in the white house....

“I don’t know what terrifies me more: having Donald Trump as president or living in a country that would elect him.”

Does this retard realize that both candidates were white? Your race card has been rejected, Van.

These moronic protesters out in California are exactly the reason why Trump is in the White House. The majority of Americans are sick of these people, and when these are “Hillary’s people” they vote accordingly.

That’s not at all why I voted for him, but I wouldn’t expect anything other than a moronic take like that from a democrat. “Don’t agree with me? You’re obviously a racist!”

You fucking dipshit, the media is more to blame than anyone. You guys ran such a fucking smear campaign against Trump that it went too far and backfired. I wouldn’t expect the liberal media to understand the “why” about that - just keep blaming white people. That’s what you do best.

Do you really think she is going to blame Jill Stein for anything? Of course not. Ellie might be the dumbest “journalist” on the planet.

So he isn’t allowed to run for President because he has no chance to win?

LOL you liberals are hilarious. Especially you media morons. You’re too fucking stupid to realize that it was your non-stop Trump smear campaign that wound up putting him in the white house.

It’s the damn media’s fault Donald won. You didn’t think the never-ending smear campaign would have any negative side effects?