
It took the overwhelming comedic talents of Leslie Jones to make Colin Jost even remotely appealing.

It’s funny because I can’t think of one female genius who is known to be crazy. Marie Curie is probably one of the most intelligent human beings to ever exist and you never saw her intentionally trying to be crazy to prove she’s super smart.

I can’t stop laughing while reading that damn list


Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally are truly the purest and least ironic form of #relationshipgoals.

that’s awful.

Haha wow that’s pretty bad. I like the whole “pours herself into her dress” bit though. It makes me think she goes all Inque and liquefies herself to put on clothes.

I’m not blaming them. I’m saying that through generations of patriarchy the women have been convinced that this is “for the best” and that terrifies me. I’ve seen documentaries where the women that perform these acts defend the practice vehemently even though it was done to them. It is so ingrained. The mutilation

The really horrifying part is that it is usually women doing this to each other. Through generations of brainwashing, the women actually believe this is how things should be. The men don’t even have to enforce it. It was done to their ancestors, it was done to them and so they do it to their daughters. No questions

John Waters when people are offended by him:

NOT EVEN CLOSE and the guy they were worried about was my very, VERY gay friend.

I don’t want to scare you, but I got my period at age 9. So 8.5 isn’t too young to explain - she probably won’t have it for another 4 or 5 years but she isn’t too young for simple information. I’m not anyone’s mom, so I’ve never given “the talk” but I do remember that when my period came at 9 I pretty much knew what

It’s funny, because I was raised totally non-religious. We never went to church, and I didn’t know Easter was about anything but bunnies and jellybeans until I was like ... 12. But my mother had still internalized all the sexual hangups of her parents’ generation, so I never really got “the talk”, and I got a lot of

If I change my name to Lancome most of them will be personalized.

Not to be a huge downer (which means I’m about to be a downer) but I’m glad they don’t mention what the rumor was.

Panton told Jezebel in an emailed statement. “Ted and I had many mutual friends who would usually stop by to watch movies, play video games, or even engage in long, fun discussions about politics, philosophy, and life.”

There is no way this can end well. Zola’s story is funny but it’s also really dark and scary and nuanced about the grim realities that sex workers face. Maybe with a team of WoC behind it, you could have a funny, entertaining film that still struck home the darkness of the whole thing. But James Franco and two other

I can't...stop watching...this gif...it's everything to me.

All jokes aside, there is a line of legal reasoning that excludes employers from responsibility for when their employees do horseshit like this, because their shenanigans aren’t within the scope of their employment. No one seems to ask the next question, which is, “Okay, but if that’s true, doesn’t that mean that no

I have a theory that Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t actually have sex with the huge number of women he brings back to his room, he just really likes board games.