kitty cudi

I did when I was around 11, but only small, cheap things like crappy earring studs from Claire's. But I stopped after a couple of years because I feared getting caught, and I'd always been too afraid to steal anything more than junk, so I wasn't even getting "cool" stuff. You can't be too careful. In the spring of my

As morbid as this is, I kind of want the car to crash so I can see what Taylor Swift's face might look like if it were rendered by Picasso.

Ladies! Some Ryan Lochte factoids, courtesy of ESPN. Don't worry if you're turned off by dudes who're afraid of spiders or who like chick flicks, there's sure to be panty-drop bait here that's right for YOU!

Like I really needed a reason to post this:

I feel the same. I don't see what's wrong with her nose. If anyone who doesn't have the same "perfect" nose-to-mouth proportions as someone like Lindsay Lohan (wasn't her nose in high demand with the plastic surgeon crowd a few years back?), then a lot of actresses could be regarded as having "large" or

@greeneyedfem (misses MzJ): WHYYY do movie makers continue to think that people actually talk like this? Do people actually talk like this?

@Jan74: Party/Tour bus?

@targetmonster: Sorry, can't separate the actor from the character anymore. That's why the accent doesn't work.

Someone in another thread said that Voldemort died on May 1st, too. What a day.

Wolf Blitzer has NY's Gary Ackerman on the phone, and he says "this is the 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED' moment that George Bush only fantasized about."

I must have missed the part of the speech where Obama lit a cigar, flipped the bird, and said, "YEAAAAH I got that sunabitch motherfuckers! RUN AND TELL THAT."

Whoa. The juxtaposition of republican friends' updates with socialist friends' updates on facebook.

Phew! Thanks guys : )

This must be where he got the idea.

@Hannapdx: English major, I presume? : ) Every semester I would have to carry around either a Norton Anthology or a Shakespeare anthology.... and people would always pick them up and weigh them in their hands, make some gobsmacked comment about how I should use it as a doorstop, flip to a random page, read a line

The "somebody" who is feeding Trump his information is Jon Kyl.

Excessive pit sweat is my body just being pissy. Isn't underarm sweat the pits?

@NewsBunny: Wow. Thanks for the tip on eshakti! I had never heard of this, have been on the site for 15 minutes and feel like I'm dreaming this. Customizable clothing at affordable prices sounds too good to be true.

@PickleAndGunner: I was thinking about this the last time I went shopping. I get frustrated (aha! I'm in the 48% of... something) by the unforgiving florescent lighting in dressing rooms. I go in there to see if something fits and end up sighing as I notice that I have cellulite, enlarged pores, etc. But if the

@lizyfizy: Where did you buy those? They are on her website, but I was hoping they're sold in stores so I can try them on. Checked Macy's and they didn't have them... I'm not sure where else her stuff is sold.