I had a job like that. The worst part was losing the respect of customers who realize you’re just trying to sell to them, and losing respect for any customer who would actually sign up for a deoartment store credit card.
I had a job like that. The worst part was losing the respect of customers who realize you’re just trying to sell to them, and losing respect for any customer who would actually sign up for a deoartment store credit card.
I used to know someone who worked at GameStop. He was incredibly good at it — he was one of those people who was just born to work sales. He was knowledgeable and helpful and gave customers good recommendations. Naturally, GameStop treated him like shit until he quit.
I dunno professor, I’m guessing a couple of kids making minimum wage in Lincoln Nebraska might not be as tuned to (or afforded) the education/level of care that you were given. You’ve never acted impulsively out of anger when you were young without being a perfect communicator? Look at you!
I’ll be honest, gamestop is the only store aside from walmart, best buy, target or a pawn shop I can buy physical games from. Even then, I can’t necessarily find games I’m looking for at thise stores. Where the hell am I gonna find a copy of Fire Pro Wrestling aside from ordering off Amazon? And yes, I prefer physical…
From 2006-2011 was the most fun I’ve had working for any job
I worked for GameStop after 10 years, and I can say it doesn’t seem like the place it once was. From 2006-2011 was the most fun I’ve had working for any job until its demise from a store shutdown! My store staff were some great people.
He made it clear he was mostly sticking around due to the personal investment in the site over the years and hoping to shepherd it into new areas as games coverage changed, but that may have just become untenable. He just had his second kid and kids change everything. Nothing resets your priorities like a new tiny…
Scotty cries whenever I play the Sims. He says, “You care more about your Sims family than me!” The boy is quite perceptive.
ESPECIALLY Black and brown people
Fuck people who’d say that with a cactus. This is a threat. He explicitly said he’d shoot people who look like me if we had “an outbreak”, God knows what that means.
While this flowchart is very in-depth, it’s missing a critical section, after the first no there should be “Do you have a black friend?” and then from there it should say “Yes -> No” and then “No -> No”
It’s so thoughtful of him to provide instant video corroboration of himself being a piece of shit after being banned for being a piece of shit.
So this person is:
I blame Funko Pops and the inexplicable popularity of Ready Player One.
Just to note, GameFly runs sales quite often where you can outright buy their excess copies of games that don’t see as much circulation as before. The cool thing is that they keep all the casing, pamphlets, codes, etc. locked away, so you get them when buying said used game.
Likely nothing. Hard to prove they thought he would do it (I’m sure he isn’t the first one on that server to do this).
Fucking hell, at this point just put every god damn 4chan piece of shit on a watchlist. Shutdown their hosting, lock them out of financing and arrest the person running it.
My Dad lives 5 minutes from there and I so far have not been able to get ahold of him. He’s probably fine but that is the Tops he goes to so I’m a bit worried. Thankful he’s normally an Aldi man so he’s probably okay. I just wish the half deaf pain in my ass would pick up his god damned phone.
Spoken like a future mass-shooter pretending that /pol/ isn’t an issue.