Roger Jones

That is literally crazy. Most businesses in retail I know of require their workers to comply with a robber’s demands, and not try to stop them. Gamestop fired the manager apparently for following standard procedure?

Uh, no. Maybe at some jobs I’ve had, but I work in an office now full of talented, dedicated people who bust their asses every day and consistently hit targets and generate verifiable growth. (Coincidentally, it is also a place which regularly prioritizes the financial, physical, and mental wellbeing of employees.)

but are the actual shitty workers getting called out? or they don’t get picked because they’re friends with so and so all buddybuddy 

Users of free apps are some of the most demanding buttholes out there. That’s why, even for hobby projects, it makes sense to charge something for it. It filters out most of those buttholes.

God damn. They’re finally going to do a sex. Truly this is the Final Fantasy.

I got curious as to what Will Wright is up to as I feel like he hasn't really done anything since Spore. Turns out he actually hasn't really done anything since then. And disappointingly but not terribly surprisingly he's working on some blockchain nonsense now.

Because you can tell a story about police without endorsing their actions. The main character of Disco Elysium is a cop, but he’s also someone no rational person would aspire to be, and even he has some deep issues with how the cops in his fictional city treat people.

Minorities have been oppressed by British police for at least decades, including my father who repeatedly was stopped and frisked in the 70s for being a brown man in London. I think using American policing as a baseline is setting a seriously low bar. Cops need to be held to a much higher standard than “not murdering

How does this change anything? Non white people existed in medieval Europe. For that matter, none of what mentioned here neccecitates racial homogenity. Or, if you wanna go a step further, none of this require all the ppl to be specifically white.

As someone who spends the most of my time playing support, it’s just not really fun to play in Overwatch 2. It has all the same problems as Overwa1ch (stupid teammates, being blamed for losing everything) but with the extra pressure of having one less tank to protect you. Like, playing support may as well be playing

I am stunned people still play this pile of garbage. 

I never had much of a problem with Overwatch’s lootboxes. They were only cosmetic, could be earned in-game, and you could buy skins with in-game currency. After the first year when it became apparent that all holiday lootbox skins would come back the next year (and would be cheaper then!), it really wasn’t that much


*laughs in bisexual*

Wait, a true open world where you can fight gyms in any order but DOESN’T have level scaling for those gyms?? Gamefreak???

 Safe for everyone except for the girl her hubby raped & anyone who thinks it’s super fucked up to stan for someone who tried to bully her into silence.  So just for blind cultists here, then?

I got GTA5/Online on opening night back in 2013 for the 360, then got it again for the PC release in 2015 (and the last time I did a Gamestop midnight release, alas), and absolutely loved the early multiplayer, exploits and all (oh the glory days of Mixed Up With Coke, Violent Duct, and Rooftop Rumble).

Now I’ll watch

This is being said about other games as well, notably Diablo, but I don’t get it either.

Is there anything you can’t mod into the sims? lol.

As much as I agree...the studios that hire our passionate, respected mangaka don’t care for their health if it’s stalling the revenue flow. A lot of people in Japan like to work themselves to serious illness/death, creating a rather unhealthy work ethic culture. Businesses typically like to exploit passionate,