Thomas Jørgensen

.. I dunno, I can certainly see Lena deciding to just build housing for Lex-corp employees, or getting into the reconstruction game in general after the bombardment of the city in the s2 finale. Almost certainly involving robotic construction of some sort in either case

.. Blind guess based purely on narrative tropes: "Because the companion is a brunette".

No, no, see this is the consequence of the post-scarcity economy. The Robotic Forges on Mercury can spit out another Theta-class cruiser every 8 hours. Crews? "Sorry, not permitted to manufacture those from scratch". so, as long as you do not manage to convince the teachers you would pilot the shiny new toy into a

.. You are committing a big scale error. A city of 30 million people does not mass enough to have a significant gravitational field. Do a rough sketch of the math. It is big enough to be a pretty noteworthy sight in the night sky, although presumably they put it into a higher orbit than the ISS.

Supergirl Canon is that kryptonians on Earth are nearly completely immune to the ravages of time. Astra essentially did not visibly age at all over the course of a decade of earth living, and Clark looks so much younger than he is that it has to be a major problem with his secret identity.

Good lord no, that was straight up just Helena being crazy. She had a *branch* penetrate the amniotic sac. Checking for infection seems.. kind of mandatory at that point. If the doctor had actually been with neolution, Helena would have gotten five meters at most, because there would have been actual security backing

That would be a hilariously fitting end to his character. And leave soo many of his schemes up in the air, so pretty good plot generator

.Netflix does not - or at least, should not- care about that demo. Netflix sells no ads, they sell subscriptions. So they care about "People with creditcards" in general, and secondly, within that set, "who makes household purchasing decisions about these things"

They speak whatever language they like - it is explicitly a superpower the Amazons all have (.. or they are all just old enough to have learned them the hard way). We hear gal-accented English, but that is the translation convention keeping us from having 20 minutes of listening to ancient greek that would be

,, Normally, I would say that murdering questgivers is evil, but she was trying to send a 4th level party after a lich. So, you know, self defense.

"That´s not an adventure hook, that is a plot to get your characters killed. Which is an entirely different adventure hook" was my immediate reaction.

*someone* sent Metallo. That guy spent all his other appearances being Lillians tool, and she is very fond of framings. Heck, even if it was Lex that sent him, that does not mean he could not have considered Lena the best successor 2 or 3 years before when he built that stronghold. He is in prison, hard to reset his

Please, the entire daily planet newsroom knows that. He explicitly does not age, and has worked there for well over a decade. And is married to Lois Lane. Who presumably still got rescued by superman on a regular basis. That is not a secret identity, that is some cross between "Polite social fiction" and "Plausible

.. Proven and proven. Lillian was the source of all the exposition on that, and she is a very unreliable narrator. What we actually saw was that the security measures Lex had in place considered Lena an authorized user. That does not prove blood relation, it more likely means Lex explicitly added her to the authorized

Sure there is a way for her to win. He was hallucinating. Hard to land punches correctly when you are seeing things. That runs the risk of turning the fight comedic, tough, which the show did not want.

… Lena for president!

Any president at all who isnt secretly working for Daxam would have ordered the destruction of that ship. It is actively bombarding an US city.
That is not a decision, that is a forced move. The fact that the DEO has a positron cannon might be down to her being secretly an alien, and thus having access to tech beyond

.. I would kind of question why fill more graves wouldnt just visit the lab with a portfolio of adorable pictures of zombie kids, a sob story and an envelope of cash. Because, well, expending the known cure on the zombie kids would be a pretty big pr win for them all around. And a practical one too.

But maneuver is the heart of war itself. They can bypass any defense, blow up anything, anywhere. Or just port people straight into prisoner of war camps. The teleporters are really one heck of an advantage