This playlist is invalid as it does not include Eye Know.
North Texas sophomore Keegan Brewer pulled one of the ballsiest stunts in all of college football on Saturday;…
That’s some good Mike on Mike and Mike violence right there.
This is the best Deadspin post ever, and I say that as a long-time Deadspin fanboy.
going away for a while to nurse your wounds, another Holy Week move
Patrick has been fired for not referencing the extensive real-world history of ballistas being used to kill flame-breathing magical lizards the size of 747s.
Really, this must have been LeBron’s dream outcome from the very beginning of his return to Cleveland:
I’m an idiot and cannot figure how to post a video.
That’s not dumb! Anyone who is not moved to tears at least one time in that movie is a friggin’ robot. They should administer it like the Voight-Kampff test in Blade Runner.
I know it’s probably a fundraising event, but I love that this thing is sponsored by a Little League. I can just imagine wrestlers going door to door and asking a bunch of 10-year olds if they want to increase their team’s visibility by adding a patch to the wrestler’s tights.
Awful lot of talking going on after what was literally the least special championship run in history.
There’s hope in a world where Michael Scott can provide the inspiration for Lebron James to own Draymond Green on the internet.
Like all of his seven essential qualities, Lombardi defines “the thickest skin,” basically, as “good enough at football that I can point to him and say he has whatever buzzword I’m pushing and people will nod and say ‘Yes, he has that.’”
This would be like if after seeing his parents gunned down in an alley, Bruce Wayne grew up to become a prominent NRA advocate.
Que shiraz shiraz
If Mr. Depp’s agents were “trying to show excess, they’re in the wrong place,” added Mr. Goldstein
Russell allowed himself a slight smile, and chuckled slightly to himself. It took a long night going through the darker alleys of the French Quarter during the All Star Break to find what some said was only an urban myth.
I guess I’m one of the mythical “undecided voters,” in that I am undecided as to whether I will vote at all. There are surely more undecided voters like me than of the other type, those civic-minded numbskulls who populate televised town halls and Frank Luntz focus groups because they are positive they will vote, but…