
Which is precisely the readon that I tweeted this to the dumbass 45. I’m not opposed to others doing the same thing, just to rub it in further.

And any dickweed lawmaker who tries to diminish our access to birth control and/or abortion should be forced to read those letters. I’m sure that they would much rather just view all of us as whory vessels for carrying babies. Babies who, once born, no longer deserve consideration or protection.

I thought this as well, so i prdered 2 tix to purposely not show up & have paltry attendance at his money grab rally.

Omg, just let me keep dreaming of his tiny orange hands clutching prison cell bars while he bawls and still blames Hillary and Obama.

Its just like a repeat of being in middle school: The whole class is being punished by the stupidity of the D minus students who didn’t do their homework. Now we all have to miss our chance to watch a sweet VCR movie on a boxy tv rolled in on a cart by the AV boys because the dumb kids screwed us all.

I’m not sure, but I do feel a “case of the vapors” coming up on Saturday-or an urgent need to wash my hair, floss the cat and fold my underwear in origami shapes on Saturday.

Nope, he is handing out tix on his site, you just have to state a Florida zip code. Darn shame if have a nearly empty rally.

I requested two tickets from his site. (I live in FL, dont hold that against me)......Gosh. I maaaay just be busy this Saturday. Damn shame if his rally is mostly empty.

Omg, that was great!!!


Im not sure that all of his followers will still be so happy to support his dumb ass if 110% undeniable evidence is dug ip that drumpf is in this only because he is owned by Russian mobsters or some other big time treason. But then again, I have a brain and dont get my news from The Enquirer.

Let us beseech the Gods that this whole Putin infested administration is the “shortest serving in modern history “. The patently obvious bigly ties to Russia are all over the corrupt bastards, especially Tillerson and Drumpf himself.

Sorry but I filched that gem from Twitter. He does deserve that, though-and a Yuge ride/demo of flaming baton tricks by Kellyanne Conjob in a zeppelin with Pence, Ryan, McConell and any other shitbag Gop wannabe potus in succession.

Can we either have Jezebel hold a Pissing Contest about how rotten MIL can be-or form a support group? Btw, Dolt45 is excited about the pissing contest idea.

Is Dolt45 administration goal “Lets bully snyone who isnt lily white”? I’m sickened by this bullshit.

Seriously, wtf does this bitch get out of screwing over the children of this nation? Is she a major shareholder in a for profit school or is she just trying to ram poor kids into becoming religious morons /future gullible reublican voters? I’m really wondering if there is any chance that putzy pence will replace this

All along this mad slide into reublican dystopia I am gleefully replaying the line that the mother yells in the movie “Sisters”: “I am CUNTINGLY disapointed in you”.

Yes, she is the asshole behind the curtain. I keep picturing Pee Wee Herman at an old fashioned telephone booth, covering up the mouthpiece and yelling “Hey you guys, it’s a collect call from Eva Braun in hell for Ivanka”!

I second this. I was eagerly awaiting the dishing and now I’m just a sad ol’ wanna be trump slapper.

Allll the hugs, rooms filled with only snugly puppies and bushels of chocolate for you. Having a loved one endure brain surgery is a nightmare and I sincerely feel for you and your family.