
I went to school with someone who became an oxy addict and plastered her Facebook page with Trump crapola.It’s not a coincidence, fried brain cells +lack of impulse control=Trump voter.

And with the slap in the face of the cuts to LIHEAP, his evilness desires to have people like my disabled brother and super low income 83 year old Mom do without heat. It’s heat or food time, kids. Let’s toast up a few repugnicants ala “A Modest Proposal “.

Or one if those pesky flaming marsupials again?

Am I the only one who would face the trip with a bit of trepidation about the possibility that the castle is either haunted AF or perhaps has a major design flaw like outdoor bathrooms? I have always wanted to spend one night in a castle, but 5 days with all my crew? Bring on the mead.

Thank you. It’s not unusual to see Floridians who embrace the resistance, have an open mind and respect people of all ethnicities, faiths, and gender identities.

Excuse me, but there are some people that live in Florida who are actually decent, forward thinking & caring citizens. Every state has a great side and a terrible side. It’s bad enough to be living with a kleptocracy, but do we need to vilify an entire state? The resistance is present in all of the country.

That is a supermodel pup!

I seriously YELLED at God for the bullshit of childhood cancer one day. It really is evil and twisted in so many heartbreaking ways.

Preet 2020 if he can somehow still bust these crooked bastards.

This stinks more than a turd wrapped on a coating of burning hair.

Lol, our local rescue group leader who brings them from the tracks into homes calls them 40 mile an hour couch potatoes. Mainly lazy with a side of yippeeeee!!

I had two rescue former racing greyhounds before. They both loved to run when the mood struck them, and relished egging our other dogs into chasing them. The sandy ground would pick up the noise of them thundering past you as they ran for fun.

And the second part reads “Even if he blows all his money on weed, I will still have fat stacks of cash and a child army to dispatch against my haters one fine day”.

One of the most silly yet earnest and sweet spectator events that I have ever experienced was the Jack Russell races at the Florida State fair. The pups all ran to grab a stuffed animal that was on a line, zipping ahead of them. When the toy got stuck going through a small wood archway, they all did a nose bonk, one

Yes, and so was Imelda Marcos, Eva Braun and Putin’s babe du jour Wendy (aka the travel buddy of Ivanka_the “griftette”.

Why is she holding a gun whilst taking a poo on public?

Isn’t the whole Bannon plan to have a collapsed society? Are we all going to be issued a geek bow like this just before the orange buffoon takes over the airwaves doing a poor imitation of  Bugs Bunny “That’s all folks”. In that case, point me to the epicenter and let it be done with. It’s better to gtfo than risk

I’d much rather have some sounds wafting in (despite a sound proof wall) than have kids right next to me whining/flinging silverware over and over for 10 minutes straight/coughing open mouthed emitting a sound like a backfiring wolf pack/blasting a repetitive and deeply annoying kiddie movie on their DVD player. It’s

As a person who no longer has kids in their home, can we do the opposite direction of this for people who are sick of hearing screaming kids? Can a gazillionare start a chain of restaurants with one half for those with kids and (separated by a large sound proof wall) a restaurant that serves only adults?

Yes!!!! I looaaaathe the fricking Gilmore sappy whiny boring bitches. I’d seriously rather eat freshly salted slugs than watch this mamby-pamby drivel. All they do is drink coffee and chat about the other boring dorky wimps, it’s like a tepid soap opera of anorexic whiny saps. My stepdaughter tried her best to get me