
Two prescriptions of 10 pills over 1-2 years isn’t evidence of anything. I get that you point out chronic use can lead to aggression, but 20 pills in that time period is not chronic use. You are painting a picture that people should be ashamed to take medication designed to make them feel normal and healthy. This

OTOH, people have been taking diazepam for like 40 years and it doesn’t seem to have had a part in other mass shootings. Has it? The Columbine shooters were on Prozac, not Valium, IIRC.

Yes, an opportunity for clickbait.

It seems like a small scale roaster found a problem and did the responsible thing. Am I missing something?

HIs hair is done in a style that I would be admonished for, therefore, I wish nothing but ill will upon him; for I am a reasonable man of the Internet and am infallible

Is that seriously your take on this?

If anyone here knows Tig, they need to tell her to tread lightly.

What’s with “demanding”?

As someone who has also experienced the devastation of being cheated on, if we’re casting out every feminist who cheats/has cheated, we’re thinning the ranks quite a bit.

Is this really going to be a thing we’re going to be expected to care about? That Joss Whedon was a terribly unfaithful husband? Unfortunately, I guess I’ve known too many terrible husbands in my life to find this particularly noteworthy.

I’m having trouble understanding why being a philanderer means someone can’t be a feminist. Until a woman he pressured into sex comes forward with her story, I can’t help but think this is stone-cold vengeance from Whedon’s ex - especially since he was the one who walked out on the marriage.

If my parents divorce had been broadcast over social media, it would pale in comparison to my mothers second divorce and that would be quickly overshadowed by her remarraige and subsequent third divorce from the same man a second time. There were no saints on any sides of the relationships.

He probably cheated, but why would they want to have this fight in public? I’m baffled by the youths and their need to post their relationship drama on social media.

You’re right Billy. Television should follow the exact same business model the newspapers did regarding the internet. It worked out so well for them.

Mountain Dew was literally created to mix with Whiskey

Uhh, not sure if you’re familiar with the concept of justice here, but a person never needs to prove innocence.

You can call yourself a liberal and be for fundamental labor rights *and* not believe that a union is the best way to achieve fundamental labor rights.

FYI, a class action lawsuit can’t be overturned — it can be dismissed. A judgment can be overturned by a Court of Appeal or Supreme Court.

You just made some really simple math sound very difficult.

That was a lot of words to say that the Nielsen Rating is a percentage of households. But good info.