
Awesome, Gawker is providing easy directions for domestic abusers to stalk and harass their victims. Good job guys! Real public service you are offering here....

A hope your pathetic white ass isn’t under any illusion that Obama wouldn’t destroy Bernie and his boys in a primary. 

As a journalist, what stories have you actually done reporting on? You’re as much of a journalist as Tucker Carlson is.

Pretty racist to claim the first black President doesn’t get how politics works.

Look at this dumb white girl here to whitesplain politics to Barack Obama. Get the fuck out of here.

It sure helps that “the left” walks around with a smug sense of moral superiority over anyone they perceive to be slightly to the right of them. Just like with Sanders, Nixon lost because she utterly failed to make in roads with minority voters.

He was quoting someone else dumbass.

You apparently aren’t bright enough to realize that’s not how any of this works.  But don’t let that stop you from shitting out your dumb, uniformed opinions.

Cool article that fails to explain why you think anyone is propping Martinez up. Senate leadership wanted him not to run. But don’t let facts get in the way of your dumb lies.  Got to sow discord on the left to make sure that Trump and all the clicks that come along with it are protected.

At minimum, any ethical journalists would at least consult with a lawyer to make sure they actually understand the issue. But Gawker is just a page-click farm and Amazon affiliate, so they have absolutely no incentive to get the story right.

This mixer has been on and off sale at Macy’s for less than $200 for the last several months. But I guess Gawker doesn’t get paid for that...

This mixer has been on and off sale at Macy’s for less than $200 for the last several months. But I guess Gawker

You are not a medical doctor. Stop giving out medical advice like you have any idea what you are talking about.

No what you’re trying to do is run anti-science clickbait garbage. Can we expect to see anti-vaccine bullshit next?

Deadspin has always been primarily a content farm that merely comments on the articles others reporters have done the work on.

That’s two more than Deadspin has. 

God you’re a fucking asshole. God forbid someone have the audacity to disagree with noted blogger Diana Moskovitz.

You seem nice...

But jokes are supposed to be funny, so...

You mean the victim of extortion, right?

Just your weekly reminder that Deadspin readers are trash...