I feel like you just want to argue, and you are young and have no idea how ridiculous you sound.
I feel like you just want to argue, and you are young and have no idea how ridiculous you sound.
This is so fucking mean.
Not sure what your angle is, but blessings to you and yours.
White Anglo-Saxon people in the United States cannot experience racism. They are part of the institutional group that oppresses others. They can experience bigotry or discrimination.
This whole part of the thread was in response to someone saying, “Other than the Nation of Islam...” and you gon bring THAT up?! A sect of 25 thousand members?! You just TRYING to be goofy.
Loco Jones, I’ve been kinda internet-cool with you for a lil’ while, but you know what? I’mma take this pull quote
You’re assuming she’s “bitter” about white women. I think she’s expressing something different than that.
I’m white. Never heard of the term “Becky” before this weekend. Would not be offended if someone called me a “Becky” b/c I don’t get systematically discriminated against. I am enjoying learning about the word.
You’re gross.
That’s an opinion, so no.
I’m not being patronizing. It’s fucking fantastic. I’m a language person. It’s literally what I do for a living. I’m being a dork. I get excited by the OED.
What black person ever told you or even hinted that they think they are superior to a white person? Ever. In life.
No lame ass white person will ever stop me from saying something we’ve been saying since before Black Twitter became your new grazing ground to dig for cool points.
Yo, homie.
Wow, you’re an asshole.
So I can point out Hillary Clinton’s hideous thighs without being called a body shamer? Because that’s true, too.
There’s nothing wrong with using the word bitch.
I see. So, your hurt feelings are equivalent to institutional racism then. (They aren’t.)