I know what I want. I ain’t even sorry. :P
I know what I want. I ain’t even sorry. :P
Check out Dave WorkingClass here with his mockery of anything that isn’t written for a 5th grader.
Check out Johnny Dictionary here with his five dollar words.
Back in the early 80s arcades we called them ostriches because that’s what they looked like.
Yeah, Sandy Hook was definitely our point of no return in this country.
Columbine happened when I was a senior in high school. I remember well the prayer circles, the tributes, the Michael W. Smith song—all of which did jack and shit to stop it from happening again.
Columbine, however, involved high school kids. The…
Shenmue I and II’s HD remasters released on Steam today and I’ve been playing all morning. Yu Suzuki’s 1999…
Your radical idea has occured to others centuries ago. God gives respite to everyone before Judgement Day. The teacher is always quiet during a test.
Puerto Ricans are US citizens and we should stop donating money for supplies and other nonsense and start paying to fly them to the mainland so they can have the same opportunites that we all enjoy.
Bad Dudes.
Control and Kingdom Hearts III are multi-plats. TLOU is a system seller. That is why. Ghost looks good, but I need more than just good visuals after infamous. Sucker Punch makes em pretty...but I need a good reason to actually play and finish them.
Yeah, but like, if this goes the old Hollywood route where every studio tries to one-up the next studio with bigger and more dramatic smooches I’m gonna vomit.
Don’t worry, the fetus in Norman Reedus’ throat gave us the thumbs up, so everything should be fine.
Back in the good old days, everybody knew that Charizard was the only Pokémon card that really mattered. The…
Oversized anime mecha fists!
Krenz Cushart is an artist from Taiwan.
So what now? You’ll never buy another cd or Itunes?
Funny, just about everything from “slippery slope” to “don’t be a puppet” can be applied to what we’ve let our government do with our rights and privacy since 9/11.