Why not just donate it to Goodwill or something? At least it’s not ending up in a landfill (yet).
Why not just donate it to Goodwill or something? At least it’s not ending up in a landfill (yet).
Great distration from making league not a pile of heaping trash Riot Games./
double dibs? geeze man. it’s one or the other lol
Now if only I could 3D Print 7 friends...
Not the BEST NEWS to hear today, but I’ve waited so long that I can wait a little longer. The videos keep looking better and better so take your time Yu. I'd rather have a great game than a rushed one.
The ending to Valiant Hearts tore me apart. I remember turning it off and sitting on my balcony for a good bit just sitting there.
So.. in a country where plastic surgery is rampant, photoshop is an issue? I find that pretty ironic tbh.
This whole clip is way better when sped up 2x with the Benny Hill theme song playing
I cant believe that Ghost of Tsushima was not the featured mention.
Naughty Dog E3 funding %
Man if Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are going to start treating consoles like phones where people shell out hundreds of dollars every year or two for a small upgrade, im out. It took me a while to save up to get my ps4 and I’m not planning on having to go buy a new one just for BULLSHIT tiny upgrades.
I could see all of these being movies, I love this!
Benihana? No wayy! The only two times I was suckered into that awful place was because it was their birthdays, where they got to “eat free” while the rest of us shelled more money that we should’ve.
So funny how the word choice is hard here, yet if it was any random person does it, all of Jezebel is huffing and puffing demanding he be sent to prison for life. BUT if it’s a celebrity...
Just because it can be done, doesn’t mean it should.