over/under on whether she has seen someone play a guitar before
over/under on whether she has seen someone play a guitar before
Tell us more about how Muslims want to enslave women, old white men.
Probably a little-known Radical Islamic Biker Cell... declaring war on all things water-cooled...
Lol. Yeah sounds like a great idea. 1000+ people have been killed by police this year. Americans killed by ISIS in the US is 0.
That is some of the most delusional logic I’ve ever seen, and outright proof that the FOP is completely out of touch with reality.
I’m glad you told us about the deal, but I would be hard pressed to come up with a worse list of recommendations....
I’m glad you told us about the deal, but I would be hard pressed to come up with a worse list of recommendations....
Fuck Rahm Emanuel. He is such a piece of shit.
Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.
Few things give me more hope for our future than my generations willingness to make a stand for things we deem important. Good on these kids for standing up and putting the university in a situation that is going to force some action.
Fucked up how?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
fair enough. Ours is more of a vague, non-personal dislike/hate... like he’s the bad guy in an 80’s movie trying to tear down the rec center the kids all hang out in.
Normally, I wouldn’t think anyone who wasn’t a public sector Wisconsin worker could hate Walker more than someone who was. But if anyone could do it, it would be Albert Burneko, or as the bedouins, awed by his capacity for righteous hate, call him in hushed whispers, “al-Burn.”
Public sector Minnesota worker here. So very sorry for you folks, and so grateful for Gov Dayton. Walker should die alone and miserable.
UW system employee AND student. The budget cut managed to damage the education I receive and the way I pay for it too
Public sector Wisconsin worker here. You’re not allowed to hate him more than I am.
In a just world he would be the world leader in getting hit by trains;
Or, hell, a place like Japan where a person of Korean descent can be seen as being not truly Japanese generations after their family immigrated. Or go to African countries where tribal differences are seen as enough to discriminate.
Make educated decisions like a rational consumer instead of buying whatever has the badge you like.
Well according to the old stock adage “Buy low, I forget the rest”, now is exactly the right time to buy that stock!