
Because we undervalue labor and value corporations.

yeah, Sanders too amirite!111

in NYC at least, more pedestrians have died in 2018 than cyclists or drivers - and 100% as a result of drivers, lest you believe it was cyclists.  so yes, walking (or waiting for the bus, or eating inside a diner) is inherently more dangerous than cycling; more bike lanes and cyclists bring down pedestrian deaths too.

yes, i agree it would be nice if you could point to literally anything these lame fucking Democrats would ever actually fight on... other than shitting on black women in their own party.

Pelosi was one of the people along with the Clintons who hammered hard on Ilhan since February, and got us to here.

A+ concern trolling

i love concern trolling too

Oh brother you missed it all.

if only you would realize that tidy evolutionary model you think is fact was, actually, part of a serious propaganda effort to place this grueling capitalism as the pinnacle of human experience on earth... hmm..

Rogue treats their workers like shit and is owned by a right winger. Hard pass.

you’re an absurdly dumb motherfucker.

I was referring to that hilarious reddit copypasta. Of course I agree w you.

Incorrect. Both are great and laudable.


why is this concern trolling..? because they didn’t deliver half to your “slay queeeen” Hillary?

you’re about to get a whole lot of shit from pond dwelling gamers, bro. Get ready.

> defies all logic

Kelsey Grammer is a moronic MAGA chud.  I won’t see anything with him in it.

they probably love his bullshit machismo.

Nah, we can freely shit on her warmongering budgets, her love of government erosion of privacy, her embrace of over incarceration, and the way her revolting husband continues to profit off real estate.