Perfect analogy! Skateboarders kill people all the time.
Perfect analogy! Skateboarders kill people all the time.
Well that didn’t take long...
About as much thought as a “can’t stand either of them” comment deserves, tbh
These things are done for mutual benefit of the government, the NFL, and the ownership/ruling class. Professional sports in the USA now serves much the same purposes as the games in the ancient Roman empire. Thousands of years go by and nothing really changes, man remains the same.
I don’t think it can be pointed out often enough the degree to which the NFL, in actuality, does not give a shit about the military but uses the partnership for 1) profit and 2) so that all the military nomenclature that is shit out the mouths of the Bucks and Nantzes of the world of a thin veneer of support from the…
Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America
Fuck the NCAA and Northwestern for their union busting, explicit and implicit.
Scummiest thing an airline ever did to me was bump my toddler from a flight.
“One recommendation: Short-term visitors can get an unlimited Japan Rail pass for two weeks. If you’re planning to travel around the country, get one. Note that the pass must be purchased outside of Japan, and it only works on JR operated railways!”
Because other than a good vacation spot, the DR and Haiti have nothing to them really. No industry, no technology, no medicine. They are the North Dakota of the world, but with beaches and without the oil and gas.
Does it fucking matter? It’s truth. Regardless the outlet
I think what is interesting about this internet installation (or whatever) is that it forcibly blurs the distinctions between the private space of artistic experience and the public realities of political expression. Everyone recognized that Carry That Weight was inherently political and social in nature — it aimed at…
I’m not going to watch the video, but I’ve got to say, it’s pretty cool that she’s turning what happened to her into performance art pieces. It’s probably empowering, and I bet it’s a really good way to process it.
While Mother Jones certainly has the right to get out from under their image as the resting place of old potatoes on…
They are more afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs properly than they are of getting shot on duty.
Dorinda is already on my short list for worst housewife in all the franchises. She's a blob of candle wax that dripped onto a shag rug.
I personally am extremely proud of the fact that I had NO idea what “RHONY” meant until I read the whole article.
That seems like the kind of attitude that allows them to keep getting away with it.
The staff at Lifehacker need to sit down for pizza & beer one evening and work out a set of ethical standards for posts. This 'pretending to move' scheme costs the nearly bankrupt USPS money and adds work to the lives of often overworked postal employees. It's not cute. It's not clever. It's just selfish.