
My biggest take away from this is that we should have just kept the Ebola. In a society this far gone, it’s best to just call it a loss, a failed societal experiment.

Great episode both on its own and as a educational story about the dangers of packing mishaps.

How I hate new Thor (supervillin hands), especially when the god of thunder stuff was soooo

I liked the Johns Aquaman and the Azzarello Wonder Woman, beyond that new 52 did nothing for me....and Animal Man was not too bad (at least the first vol, never got to the rest)

I hate me some Jane Foster Thor but I loves me some this.

I approve

daredevil, I like his run more than Brubaker (who does almost no wrong imo) and even miller.

its got to awesome to be as big of a dick as namor

Someone call for the real nick fury?

Whats the deal with that? I read one issue of cap a few months ago that featured black fury (coming this fall from the makers of “disco godfather”). Then original sin was going on and it had the white fury.

unless you count "this" and "business" only once