The Rambox option, available on virtually all models, shrinks the bed width down.
The Rambox option, available on virtually all models, shrinks the bed width down.
The Ram 1500 hasn’t had leaf springs at all since 2009.
Not in street tires.
Thanks for reminding me how much I want one of these.
Ventilated seats for cooling with a fan in some cars. Has it’s own filter. Don’t want dust off the floor ending up stuck to your ass, I suppose .
*splinters. And then tears.
Entirely possible. My sarcasm detector has been running on backup power diet Pepsi lately.
In this case,“Dame” is a noble title that is the female equivalent of “Knight”.
MY way is a little different then either one of those.
Not the only one. Sadly appropriate, since the bottom end in my 2.3 Ranger has developed a bad case of the death rattle.
Lemme guess. TIPM crapped the bed?
How about an NSFW tag for the link, Torch. Some of us are at work.
Oh I’m not knocking the good old 303. I have a sporterized version i bought for $175 some years ago. Light, compact, ergonomic, and the action is butter smooth.
Hey we’re getting a new SAKO .308 finally. the WW2 guys can have their boomsticks back.
Mostly accurate. However, many “assault weapons” are perfectly legal in Canada, including the AR-15 ( classed restricted, same as a handgun). Which reminds me of the most annoying thing about Canadian Gun law. The Ak-47 is outright banned in Canada. The CZ-858 I can legally go buy at a yard sale if I want without…