We're going to find out. Tavarish, your people have spoken. KelliFeltHer128 doth speak the truth.
Well the engine weighs approximately 4200 lbs. This is the smallest vehicle I've seen with one.
How about a 12 cylinder Lamborghini Muria for Only 29.99!
Alright it's not EBAY. But it is an 852 cubic inch supercharged 1000hp 12 cylinder engine. A Detroit 12V71, to be exact. Asking 16,700. Find me more power for that kind of money.
Ask this guy in 3..2..1..
Missed it by that much.
Or this one...
Even legit tow companys (in alberta at least) still charge 30-50$ a day in impound fees. For the car being in their lot for any reason. And after 6 months, they own it free and clear.
That stance...where have I seen it before? Oh right...
959 cubic inch Pro mod engine. 3000+ horsepower with all four stages of nitrous. And it's only about $100,000.
+1 For the Honey Badger.
Warfish. A nitrous fed 1969 Barracuda with a 452 big block on race gas that can run 9 second passes on the spray. That's four digit power for possibly 10,000$ cash (owner wants 13.5 or best offer).
Wait...you're recommending a car that is cheap, reliable, incredibly miserly on fuel, and modern...