Wielder of Smashy-Stick

lol weebs

Oh Gen Z, you sweet summer children. Come sit by the fire and let me tell you of the greatness that is Tenacious D



Textbook glass cliff.


Yeah they really didn’t think that through. Stack Overflow could have been a place where ChatGPT answers could be submitted and then debated upon by experts to help improve the answers further.

Is it fair to call it an “adaptation” when has essentially nothing to do with the books beyond the premise? I actually liked season 1, but someone reading the books for the first time after watching the show would be very confused.

So, another step for Twitter to go into Parler/Gab/Truth Social’s slow-moving right-wing/8-chan closet?

Automation is bad because it’s threatening a white collar job in the arts”, brought to you by writers who doesn’t mind taking part in the online blogging arena which set fire to countless blue collar jobs.

You guys don’t actually give a crap about automation, not really. You’ve never complained about it on this scale

I tried everything. Chain lightning was the only one that did significant damage/was effective.

guess i’ll repeat what i always do;

Also a lot of modern Lovecraft inspired work does engage with his awful racism and xenophobia - Lovecraft Country being one of many recent ones that included a TV show on HBO.

I’ve barely followed all this shit but like...rofl.

It’s a small annoyance, but I am slightly put off by his assertion that it was “ruined” for him... It’s a world boss, it doesn’t belong to you, dude... It just seems so needlessly arrogant and self-centered. As needless as my petty annoyance by it is haha.

This guy was not only a serial abuser of multiple of his girlfriends, he was also credibly accused of raping an 11-year-old, and the only reason the settlement was thrown out of court was because of the case occurring outside the statute of limitations.

Over the long run, 99 percent of Funkos are worthless outside of whatever depraved joy fans get from occasionally making eye contact with the ones lining their shelves.

I read an article a while ago that Hello Games has a huge surge in sales every time they release a big content update, which also usually coincides with their 50% off sale. It’s a pretty small studio, so it must be enough for them to ‘keep the lights on’ at least.

I love how "I like to do my own research" has become such a convenient shorthand for me to instantly dismiss the person saying it as a complete fúcking moron.

It’s really terrible when people jump to disrespectul conclusions. Anyway, like I was saying, most western men are feminine and weak...