I feel this is obligatory...
I feel this is obligatory...
It’s also generally a good idea to avoid people who refer to themselves as, “white trash.” They’re usually the assholiest of assholes.
...I had no idea there was an animated series 0.o
“Next up on the Career Lowes File...”
For fuck’s sake. I was pulled over, told the cop i had a concealed carry and a gun in the glove box, and I reached into it just fine. He even turned his back to me as I was doing it. You want to take a wild fucking guess why I’m alive, and this man isn’t? You’re a troll, an idiot, or a horrible human being. Maybe the…
Really? You’re going to ignore population spread and go with that? African Americans make up ~14% of the total US population. Moving on from that, let’s link to actual info. Yes, but no.
Willfully obtuse it is. Ok, dipshit. The NRA has, up to this point, provided financial support and a VERY VOCAL stance on anything related to protecting/expanding upon the 2nd amendment. Why no response this time? Take a wild. fucking. guess.
Awww, that’s adorable! He even wore his best gardening gloves to pose for his racist graduation picture!
The reason you can’t think of a single instance is that, systematically, this does not occur to white people. Hell, it’s rare for ILLEGALLY armed white guys to get shot. You’re either being willfully obtuse, or you’re ignorant as all hell.
Nope. It’s a 24-pack. That’s an extra 12 chances to stop a riot!
Ouch, I made the horrible, horrible mistake of reading some of your comment history.
Aaaaand here I am, taking Differential Equations for the 2nd time...
Referring to someone as sir after every reply to the same person, in the same conversation is either condescending, or you’re assuming everyone is your superior. Which is it?
I’m sitting here trying to come up with something witty to say, but there is nothing. I’m slowly being broken down by these low information yokels that apparently comprise most of the voting pool in the US.
Hey, at least congress is still covered. That’s super awesome for them...
“Oh god, we don’t have a democrat in office to claim he’ll take our guns, and sales are dropping off! Ummm, we’re at war everyone! QUICK, BUY GUNS AND AMMO FOR THE WAR EFFORT!”
Pulsars, or Bruce Banner dicking around?