The only part of this that isn't exciting is the prospect of hating Brendan Gleeson.
The only part of this that isn't exciting is the prospect of hating Brendan Gleeson.
Something tells me mainstream audiences would have a harder time forgiving Suzanne and it has to do with a big difference between Suzanne and Yoga Jones or Morello.
Piper exists because as she learns what’s going on, so, too, does the audience, which is a very old tradition in fiction but at the same time, the story didn’t veer away from Sherlock Holmes so Watson could have an existential crisis.
Remember when Variety or somebody linked to that item on Facebook with the tease “bad news, OITNB fans” and so many people ridiculed the idea that that was bad news that they removed the tease?
You would have thought the episode where being called that makes her cry would have sent the message. Not since Harley Quinn have a fictional character’s “fans” had such naked contempt for her.
The prosecution, though, has described him as “selfish,” saying that when the staff told him Donna couldn’t consent to sex, he replied “That is not a problem.”
I’m so sick of police apologists responding to police shootings by talking about how most cops are just regular people with a tough job. Because yes, that is true, but it’s becoming abundantly clear that most of the ones who end up at the center of something like this are fucking monsters.
I’m... not serious. I somehow thought the reference to “Muslim powers” would convey that.
And now libruls are using NOBAMA’s Net Neutrality to destroy my First Amendment. Is there no end to their depravity?
Pictured: Barack HUSSEIN Obama uses his Muslim powers to give entire islands The Gay to keep them from telling the truth about #BENGHAZI.
This is what I think Larry Wilmore and John Oliver have on Stewart and Colbert, much as I love the latter: they get the idea of uncomplicated fury at oppression as a mechanism for comedy. Bee has always gotten that too and I hope she brings it to the show she just got.
It’s old, boring luddites who think technology is evil and Edison was a witch. Nothing new under the sun.
Yeah that’s all true, I just meant I really don’t believe people when they claim to have seen it because I don’t trust anyone who carries anecdotal evidence in their back pocket.
You deserve better, Jack Huston. (I’ll concede this could be in reference to any of several upcoming movies.)
She’s right up there with the Woman With an iPhone Using an EBT Card in the ranks of people I totally believe exist.
Thanks for your thoughts, war criminal Allen West!
As long as a murder is caught, in full, on film, it will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! The system works!
I was dumb enough to get in an argument online with a guy who said that because of hysterical feminists, grabbing a woman’s breast and her slapping your hand away was considered sexual assault. When I countered that, um, yes, it absolutely is, he started chortling about how that made 90% of men guilty of sexual…
I already used this but I don’t care: