Really? Last I heard from him on the subject he was responding to the murder of the three UNC students like this:
Really? Last I heard from him on the subject he was responding to the murder of the three UNC students like this:
He’s really not fair about the religion stuff, either; much like Dorkins, he’s pretty open about the fact that he thinks Islam is worse than the others. Because all Muslims ever hate women, you see. Unlike Bill Maher.
Being an asshole doesn’t become something different just because you’re doing it on purpose.
And of course Sam Harris is in the clip too. Remember that time he said that if he could choose between eliminating rape and eliminating religion, he’d choose the latter in a heartbeat? He’s a cool guy.
“When I can’t afford it on my pay, I don’t want people on the taxpayer’s dime to afford those kinds of foods either.”
Not to sink to his level but Mike Gallagher looks like this.
Oh my God, this is the crime reporting equivalent of Bill O’Reilly marveling about how the people in Sylvia’s weren’t screaming “MFer, I want more iced tea.”
I am sure this will go just as well as other conservative attempts at replicating culture at large, such as that Fox News version of the Daily Show that several people have convinced me I imagined.
Hey remember that time Fischer straight-up called for kidnapping children of gay parents?
Yep! Everything went off without a hitch from that point besides me getting worried because I was being a dumb man and having no concept of how long it can take to get makeup right.
I'm pretty unsure about this, but then, they did the same thing with James Bond, and Lisbeth Salander is way cooler than him. I missed you, my autistic misandrist queen.
We very narrowly averted one. We didn't realize until the morning of that Mrs. Boourner's dress was transparent, and also we didn't realize until the morning of that she was colorblind, so she'd signed off on two different shades of blue for her bridesmaids' dresses, and in the meantime my aunt was trying to find a…
Thank you for explaining the factual error in my joke. You are very helpful and I appreciate you.
Apparently the job can only go to someone with two first names. If only her name was Jessica William, singular, she would have gotten it.
the bit's bizarre cruelty was made even more bizarre by the fact that the two have barely ever interacted.
"Fancy Nancy" sounds like something your grandparents call gay people.
I think knowing how awful Biggs is takes a character who, on paper, is just petty, selfish and annoying to the level of utterly contemptible.
That tease is the trifecta of men we should all aspire to be.
David Spade is becoming @dril.
To be fair, he probably stole that from Marvin Gaye.