I Was Saying Boo-urner

Burning anything releases PM 2.5 particles that are very bad for our health. Even if we didn’t have climate change, we would ultimately have to stop burning fuels. Electricity is the easiest form of energy to produce sustainably. It’s not a left wing thing. Auto manufacturers are hardly lefties. They’re realists and

Oh I understand its a whole experience. It’s going to take awhile for those of us that love driving to get used to the numbness of an EV. Who doesn’t love the sound of a Hemi? But my point is that at the end of the day its about the environment. None of the experience or anything matters if you don’t have planet to

I was under the impression that every back-compat game required additional legwork to get running. Basically have to make a brand new ISO flag for when you put in a disc which downloads the updated files. That’s why there’s a number of older titles that can be run at native 4K 60 etc. Since it was an easy toggle to

The studio was always kinda dickish and elitist.

I don’t HATE them, but I also can’t ignore what’s wrong. In my impressions from yesterday I shared what I liked and I do think, outside of visual bugs and the rain, the world and cities look great. I even like some of the models. (Claude looks great, i think) 

Of course it was QA tested.  This was a matter of R* making the minimum possible investment and saying “release by Christmas.”  This is what was done by their deadline, so this is what was released.  

Absolutely! As the character turns, you can blatantly see how the rain is just an effect on the screen and not a part of the environment. Ugly as heck.

Even if it weren’t so obtrusive, that is just such a cheap prepackaged screen space effect. Real Unity Asset Store vibes.

It also looks like fucking garbage, which has made me feel kinda nuts reading Kotaku praising its look.

And I was getting ready to make a purchase.
But after seeing this collection of graphical ‘improvements’ the trilogy has made...

Meanwhile the pirates are happily playing.  Good job DRM!

Borderlands 3, Outriders, Risk of Rain 2, Warframe, Deep Rock Galactic, The Division 2, Necromunda: Hired Gun, Shadow Warrior 2, Warhammer: Vermintide 2, Escape From Tarkov, Gunfire Reborn, Anthem, Destiny 1. Honorable mentions: Godfall, Minecraft Dungeons, Diablo 3.

Got you fam:

Still unhealthy: slideshows

Yessir! This is what always bothers me about remasters like this. Let us see the originals, too!

They will be back the day the Han-shot-first version of A New Hope is on Disney+

And what was the point of digital distribution and the internet if not to offer people more choices at the cost of almost nothing?