I would not want to deal with contacts on Survivor. It’s great they give you solution but there’s nowhere to wash your hands. I don’t wanna put fishy shit in my eye.
I would not want to deal with contacts on Survivor. It’s great they give you solution but there’s nowhere to wash your hands. I don’t wanna put fishy shit in my eye.
Eh. As long as you’re aware of the latter, it’s a step in the right direction.
Martin Shkreli. There’s a name I definitely wanted to read ever again.
If you’re hit by a car and lose the use of your legs, or maybe even your whole body, you’ve experienced a loss that would have been unacceptable prior to what happened. You’re certainly allowed your despair. But the task before you, ultimately, is to not let your life be defined by your loss. I don’t think the dynamic…
Nice to see some appreciation of this movie. I would add the Darth Maul cameo to the list of callbacks we didn’t need. But the idea having the Millennium Falcon be the embodiment of a revolutionary female robot with an...unconventional relationship with her male human owner is pretty inspired.
OK, I’ll give you more than that. It’s an important thing. How about, let’s not use the occasion of someone’s death to go out of our way to associate them with a current day issue for which they are not responsible. Let’s also try to have some empathy for the many individuals who feel they have to go to war and likely…
Yes, let’s.
She was a teenage Holocaust orphan and, no, in this particular context, it is not terribly worth mentioning.
And yet one other icon of the time lives despite not particularly deserving it.
Gonna go there, against my better judgement: what exactly is “dubious” about including an Israeli character, aside from the move being a PR powderkeg for Disney?
“I know it’s not politically correct, but by God...”
Cool. It’s a good record, but one you have to approach it with an open mind. Solo Beatles is often about digging for gold, and there’s only a handful of albums that are considered true classics. Look past those though, and you’ll find quite a few admittedly flawed albums that still have a lot of worthwhile stuff. Mind…
Spector may have been a card-carrying psychopath but dismissing the Wall of Sound is dismissing a big chunk of late 20th century popular music, much of it very much worth engaging. I don’t think Lennon needed to stick with him (George also kicked Spector to the curb around this time because he was just impossible to…
Glanced at the headline, didn’t process “TV,” was excited for just a second. Reality is so much less interesting.
No interface. Fingers crossed it stays that way.
My daughter thinks the minions are creepy and wants nothing to do with them.
On the other hand, he should probably be shot for the following, so it’s all kind of a wash.
Does Slash have any actual creative input or is this the old rocker guy version of Jennifer Lawrence or whothefuckever slapping their name on a perfume because branding?
Did he say anything about her ass? My understanding is that Al Pacino has a very unique skill set when it come to commenting on people’s asses.