I was once mumbles

All true, though as a bit of a Last Jedi stan, I think that movie’s choices are a lot more deliberate and well-thought out than most people give it credit for. Whereas even Spielberg has always characterized ToD as a bit of a miss.

Regarding endearing shortcomings, it is feature of being a non-safe, non-retread sequel, and Temple of Doom does deserve credit for being that.  Last Crusade is very, very much a safe sequel, but I only object to that conceptually.  I still like watching it more.

I love Temple of Doom, I really do. It succeeds wonderfully at being the literal roller coaster ride it’s intended to be. And it accomplishes the impossible by having its awkwardly introduced cute kid be not only non-annoying, but a great character you want to know more about and spend time with. But I like dialogue.

It’s like a really self-serious EDM act in a 2000s Ben Stiller movie.  

He had a lot more than that, if you recall.  

I don’t know if the overall soundtrack and use of music was a highlight of that show, there was just one incredible needle drop in the series finale that worked despite being a very obvious song.  

(Orders “time horn” from Amazon for use at three-year-old son’s nap time.)

“JK had done well.  I was proud of her.  JK fucked up good and proper.  You had to hand it to JK.” 

I think I just plain couldn’t tolerate spending time with my teenage self.  Particularly if my teenage self was high.  

Better than make up, infinitely better than CG.  Suspend that disbelief!  

Apparently any existing empirical evidence (of which there is very little) seems to refute the idea. I buy that in terms of specific policy goals, but I do think people who are drawn to extreme viewpoints have some similar underlying traits and can end up as political mirror-images of one another. Basically I think

Except, you know, good.  

Scary how easy cultural erasure has become. I agree this is a necessary point to make, even if the last time I paid attention to MTV News it was a TV show hosted by Kurt Loder and Tabitha Soren.

I really did click on this article didn’t I?  

I like that it’s a tradition to remake this every 50 years or so. I am likely to miss the 2075 iteration, so I’ll savor this one. Eggers/Skarsgard seem ideal.

Doesn’t feel right, him not being in the world. Even when he just did a voiceover for a car commercial, there was always something good about hearing him. I was always glad that voice, utterly distinct, probably inimitable, existed. I’m generally OK with celebrity deaths. I don’t know these people. But dammit, I don’t

The terrible, illustrative thing is that I love this place, I love going there, but I don’t own a DVD player (to say nothing of a VCR) so I’m never there. I did donate though. Please give something, Seattle has lost so much of its soul in the last fifteen years, let us and the world keep this one messy, tangible thing

God, they are exactly 403 years old.  Still glad to have them talking R.E.M. RE me though.  

Before I clicked I thought Naomie Watts was so traumatized that she was diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder and I thought an article about Naomie Watts having Intermittent Explosive Disorder would be sort of interesting so I clicked and it was about poop which was disappointing.