
Very nice... except I have to be that guy and point out that “Sweet Home Alabama” is not part of the Credence Clearwater Revival catalogue.

All the THIS that ever was, is, or shall ever be, A-Fucking-Men!

Maybe he wants a talking armoire in this one.

Why wouldn’t she work for Woody? She’s got nothing else going for her now. She’s just Megan Fox without the animatronic fuck-doll shell.

Bye bye, GOP. I’d say it was nice knowing you, but...

I’ll take $10; pride ain’t my strong suit!

Ahh, I’m no hero. Just write me a blank check made out to “Cash, Baby.”

Wouldn’t anyone associated with Trump’s campaign fairly be considered “low-level,” starting with Trump?

Yes, but please remember, Trump is also a pathetic, laughable coward without a single principle in the prolapsed eel anus he would consider his “soul.”

Until Marvel buys the rights back for a song.

Not that anybody should care, but I think Mara’s new do looks terrific; long hair looks great on her, too but she’s also got gorgeous bone structure and shorter hair is a nice way to accentuate it.

Oh, I vividly recall it; I also recall that the GOP at least tried to disguise their utter contempt for their own country, constituents and existence in general those days. Of course, those days ended immediately after the 2005 Inauguration.

I sense a kind of subtext -almost like a hidden message- to this article, but I’ll be damned if I can put my finger on it. It’s just too subtly stated, I guess; next time, try not to be so oblique.

Hmm. He looks just the tiniest bit like Rubio, only without the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Think of it as a mismatched buddy-cop administration; they tear-ass around DC in a muscle car fighting crime and passing legislation, all while scoring left and right (heh) and dealing with a Chief who’s “had it up to here” with their antics!

I’m inclined to agree; Sanders has numbers and exponentially-growing popularity, Clinton already has the fucking job by literal default; her opposition is the Legion of Doof.

Thanks, saved me the effort.

You forgot hospitals. And zoos, libraries, stadiums, campgrounds and wooded areas, lonely stretches of road, supervised firing ranges, fish hatcheries and tanning salons.

Yeah, about that; has the possibility of some form of Clinton/Sanders ticket even been considered?

Chill, it won’t be a Republican; Americans are stupid and crazy, but even we won’t vote for people determined to become literal, child-gobbling story book monsters.